Downtown Albany, NY

Downtown Albany is the Central Business District in the City of Albany. Or as the Downtown Albany Bid describes it …

“Exciting Entertainment. World-Class Dining. Exquisite Art and Culture. Urban Residential. Whether you work or live in New York’s Capital District or are lucky enough to make a visit, downtown Albany offers the unique opportunity to explore a city rich in history, framed by nearby mountains and over 400 years in architecture.”

There are a lot of jobs downtown, and decent public transit. You have to go there on the weekdays to make a buck or two.

Masked up

It was definitely a chilly afternoon as we held the press conference. 

Taken on Sunday November 22, 2020 at Save the Pine Bush.

Veterans Day and Government Patronizing itself

While I support anyone who works hard for a living, I am not a fan of Veterans Day or any holiday that honors government workers over the private sector workers or the general public. I do not believe that government service is any more honorable then working in the private sector, as both workers in the public and private sectors have essential jobs that keep society moving forward. It’s important we support and honor all people who have dangerous jobs, and work hard.

Government workers – be it police, firefighters, military or politicians – regularly feel it necessary to honor their own service in their jobs. But are the services they perform any less important than farmers, auto workers, electricians, teachers or nurses? I get some jobs are more dangerous then other, but honoring the police state over other hardworking people with dangerous jobs bothers me.

I think there is something very patronizing about a government honoring itself. I think government employees should be humble and if they really want somebody to honor it should be those who work in the private sector, not the public sector. Maybe the government should have a farmers and mechanics celebration day. Or a plumbers and electrician day.

If non-governmental entities like VFW Clubs or other entities outside of government want to honor the brave work of government workers like those in the military, that’s fine but celebrations should not come from the government promoting itself.

Power Plant along the river