Empire State Plaza

The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza is a unique architectural masterpiece which houses 11,000 New York employees in a complex of ten buildings. The Plaza offers a world-class modern art collection, New York State’s Museum, Library and Archives, a distinctive performing arts center, convention center and more. It serves as a monument to the diversity and significance of New York, and also as a testament to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, whose determination and vision brought about its creation.


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The South Mall Project: Hope or Hoax? (1962, special)

"On the evening of Saturday, July 14, 1962β€”just days after the first South Mall demolitionβ€”WRGB TV, Channel Six, aired a half-hour documentary called The South Mall Project: Hoax or Hope? We found what we think is the only extant copy of the documentary in the papers of Grant Van Patten at University of Albany’s Special Collections department. Grant produced and directed it, and we had the good fortune to interview him at his home in Clifton Park in the summer of 2016. We enjoyed spending time with him and were sorry to learn that he died earlier this year."

Read more about this here: https://98acresinalbany.wordpress.com/2018/08/13/hoax-or-hope/