
Sorry, Under Construction 🚧

Sorry, Under Construction 🚧

If you are having problems with pages loading properly on the blog, I suggest you do a quick click of the reload button with the shift button held down. I just renamed and removed references to “Google Maps” on the blog in favor of “Interactive Maps” as this blog no longer uses Google Map Technology to display maps, in favor of the open source, and much more powerful leafletjs, combined with publicly available tile and web map services from government and not-for-profits.

So the new version of the blog theme is up and running

So the new version of the blog theme is up and running. I was getting tired of the old theme, and while it was a nice transition between the pre-2020 version and what we have now, it was too slow and didn’t quite go for the message I was looking for on the blog. That said, there is more to do — the mobile version has issues — and I’m sure I’ll find further bugs, but for now I’m quite happy on how things turned out.

New blog theme

  • I’ve pushed the latest version of the blog theme online.
  • Is it perfect? No, but I think it’s an improvement.
  • There is a lot of white space due to columns not matching up. How to fix that with the full screen pictures while keeping the blog posts in order. That I don’t know.
  • I am still working on the mobile version, but it works “well-enough” for now, and despite showing many of the images full-screen is actually faster loading then the old theme.
  • I think it’s good to have a change, the old theme was getting long in the tooth, especially with so many of us now having high-resolution monitors.

It’s Alive … The New Version of Blog

It’s alive! πŸ˜€

After a week of debugging, and finally fixing the preformance and mobile issues with my blog, 🐞 I think it’s official to describe the new version as official. Not that it makes much of a difference, but I think now that I’ve dug into what was causing the performance plugin — a “lost page finding” plugin, I think it’s working great now. I replaced the functionality of that plug-in with my own code on 404 page, and it seems much faster then it’s been in a long time!


Russian or Chinese Trolls Who Like Write?

I keep getting these rather strangely worded emails from people offering to write articles for my blog.πŸ“© Many of them seem like foreign language speakers, maybe Russian troll farms or Chinese intelligence officers. I just ignore these emails ☠ and put them in the trash bin. β™» My blog is my place, so I don’t have guest bloggers, as I like to have one-hundred percent control over the content.

Fall is a great time for smartphones and camping!

Hey there,

Fall is my favorite time of year to go camping. I’ll love the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the chance to disconnect before the craziness of the holidays begins.

However, while I certainly enjoy time away from email, texts, and social media, I wouldn’t dream of leaving my smartphone at home. Thanks to a variety of helpful apps, trackers, and tools, my smartphone has basically become my modern-day multi-tool.

I’d like to write an article for your site about how you can use your smartphone to make your next camping trip even better. Is this something you’d be interested in posting on your site? If so, I’m happy to send it to you free of charge. Just let me know. πŸ™‚

Thanks a lot!


Even on farm roads!

I would like to be a writer of articles. I also like to post weekly updates of hiking, trail running , backpacking,cross-country ski and snowshoe trail conditions for all of Western New York.

I wrote 2 articles in the Snowshoe Magazine. And I will send along a cover letter and resume.

I also wondering if there any paid positions available. If not here do a suggestion of another company I contact.

I would give Conditions and updates on Dirt roads , gravel roads, fire roads , single track trails, hiking trails, bike trails and farmers roads, farmers trails and access roads and access trails. It would be year around reports for hiking,backpacking, trail running, biking and walking . In the winter skiing and snowshoeing. Also possibly dog walking and horseback riding.

Gravel Goodrich Corners Road

With your dog!

Greetings from SmartDogLover,

I ‘m very much keen on your blog posts and will read all your posts, it is really quite interesting and informative.

We’re from SmartDogLover, our motive is to provide valuable information for our readers. It’s all about Pet Training like Pet Walking, Pet Sitting, etc.,. These info are helping most of the visitors who are interested to know more about Pet Wellness Services. We both are having own web-sites in same category.

We now have created FREE detailed infographics which explains about β€œPerfect Pet Guide”. If you’re interested to check out it, I’m very much happy to share with you.

Awaiting for your reply.

Eli Pig