
Berne Sewer District

The Town of Berne has a small sewer district -- 93 properties -- within and around the hamlet of Berne, to manage wastewater from that community and reduce pollution from aging septic systems in the populated hamlet. This map shows the homes and businesses connected to the sewer district. The Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District operates it's own waste-water facility, separate from the municipal system. You can find out more about the Sewer District here:

Data Source: 2019 Town of Berne Final Tax Rolls, as parsed through a script I wrote and mapped using Quantum GIS. You can get the tax rolls here:

Switzkill Valley in Summer

Driving along the rural Albany County Route 1 in Berne, through the farm country of the Switzkill Valley, near Partridge Run Wildlife Management Area and the Cole Hill State Forest in June 2017. My dash cam was malfunctioning, so the coordinates aren't shown.