Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest
Touch Me Not Trail From Big Pond To Alder Lake
One Inch Too Low for My Pickup
Big Pond (Catskills) Campsites
Canoers Fishing
Down at the marshier end of Alder Pond.
Taken on Sunday August 29, 2010 at Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest.Light Hits Bank
The first rays hit the western bank of the lake, providing some of the greens of the day once again.
Taken on Sunday August 29, 2010 at Big Pond.Nasty Algae Crap
This was at the marshy end of the pond. The algae soup was not as bad in the center of the lake, but it still had a nasty green sheen to the whole lake. This is in the middle of Catskill Park, there are no farms or houses upstream, so I'm not sure if it was just the weather or poor practices from campers.
Taken on Sunday August 29, 2010 at Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest.