Day: March 18, 2025

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NYS Population by Area Code

Each area code in NY State has a little over 1 million residents outside of New York City, due to most of state traditionally having 7-digit dialing.

While in theory, within a area code can have 10 million numbers, there are restrictions on numbers that can be used in North American Plan, which gets you down to 7.9 million numbers. It wouldn’t work for example to give somebody the number 911-5424.

But it’s actually much less then 7.9 million numbers per area code, because they allocate numbers out of local exchanges, and many numbers remain unallocated but in ownership of local exchanges and carriers.

NYS Population by Area Code
Except for New York City-area codes, most areas codes in NYS have had between 1 to 1.5 million residents.
Area Codes Population
212, 332, 646, 917 1,576,574
315, 680 1,439,945
347, 718, 917, 929 7,070,371
516 1,367,966
518, 838 1,413,733
585 1,093,867
607 750,511
631, 934 1,485,367
716 1,371,842
845 1,398,633
914 1,002,679
Andy Arthur, 3/30/23
Source: Area Code Map, 2020 US Census Tracts.