Not all modes of transit make sense everywhere. We should do everything possible to discourage private motor vehicle transportation in our city centers, that are already clogged with smoke-belching automobiles. Taxing automobiles who head into the city makes a lot of sense, as it reinforces the message of the importance of using transit in urban areas. While in more outlaying areas, private automobiles make more sense, in the city, it should be place of subway, bus, and train to get around — technologies that can move a lot of people around — not take a lot of space up and not belch as much noise, smoke, pollution as individual automobiles do.
Deer Pond Loop
Paper Street
Albany Pine Bush 1893
A new feature I've added to my mapping software is ability to pull historical topographic maps directly from USGS and create blog posts. Today, we are looking at the 62.5k USGS topographic maps from Albany and Schenectady that look at the Albany Pine Bush. Drag the opacity slider to adjust the transparency. You can also change the base layers in the upper right hand corner.