12 hours of daylight

Today there will be exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness in Albany. This is due to the way sunlight is bent in the earth’s atmosphere, coming 4 calender days before the first day of calender spring. Starting tomorrow until September 26th, every day will have more daylight then darkness.

Between Ormsby and Smethport You Loose About 500 feet Elevation

Ormsby is located at the edge of Allegheny Plateau and the Long Level is at 2,100 feet elevation while the farm on the right, located on the outskirts of Smethport is about 1,600 feet. It is a pretty good drop into the gorge along PA 59, although at least the road is relatively straight and wide.

Doctors as Fee Mills πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ

Visiting a dentist hygienist this morning, I was once again reminded a truth about doctors — your health and well-being is not always aligned with their own agenda. Doctors want both to protect themselves from Medical Malpractice lawsuits, and earn extra revenue through additional fees. You really have to be buyer beware each time you visit the doctor, and listen to their advice like you would any other professional advice — seriously but note they have motivations contrary to your own, and always verify their claims.

South Berne

Driving through South Berne on Albany County Route 1.