Recology begins funding $4.5M ballot initiative to tax plastics in California | Waste Dive

Recology begins funding $4.5M ballot initiative to tax plastics in California | Waste Dive

  • Recology is continuing its push for a November ballot initiative in California that takes aim at the plastics industry, recently kicking in $600,000 of a planned $1 million contribution. Another $1 million is expected from The Nature Conservancy, plus $500,000 from the Plant Based Products Council, toward a $4.5 million goal. 
  • The proposal would give the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) authority to require that producers of single-use plastic packaging and foodware make their products "reusable, recyclable or compostable" by 2030. Producers would also be tasked with reducing the amount of single-use packaging and foodware at least 25% by that date.
  • In addition, expanded polystyrene food containers would be banned statewide and retailer take-back programs would be established for relevant items. Finally, a sliding scale "Plastic Pollution Reduction Fee" of $0.01 or less would be applied to select products starting in 2022 as a way to pay for a range of new projects.

It looks like for the foreseeable future after today, nearly every day will be above freezing, with temperatures in the mid 30s to lower 40s

It looks like for the foreseeable future after today, nearly every day will be above freezing, with temperatures in the mid 30s to lower 40s. Not too bad for people who don’t like winter, and should do a job on the snow. It hasn’t been a real snowy winter, but we still have about three months when we could walloped with snow, so I don’t think we can declare winter over yet.

Environmental Protesters Around The World Are Increasingly Being Prosecuted As Extremists

Climate Change: Environmental Protesters Around The World Are Increasingly Being Prosecuted As Extremists

Just weeks before unprecedented wildfires broke out across Australia, killing an estimated 1 billion animals, the prime minister declared that the country faced a terrible threat: environmental protesters.

“A new breed of radical activism is on the march,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a November speech. He added that there was a “place for peaceful protests,” but he wasn’t going to stand for environmentalists obstructing and delaying mining projects or calling for boycotts of banks that finance the country’s coal industry. ADVERTISEMENT

He promised to find a way to “successfully outlaw these indulgent and selfish practices that threaten the livelihoods of fellow Australians.”

Tom Paxton – Getting Up Early

Lately I've been getting up early, watching the sun coming up from inside my apartment. Once it warms up with spring, I might actually start sitting out back and watching the sun rise, well until it gets up well before six AM. Great song!