Middle of the Week.

Kind of a gray and cold morning, although with my race to the bus stop, I certainly do not feel particularly cold. Supposed to warm up by the end of the week. I look forward to casual Friday, wearing my beloved Carhartt vest to work. It’s just so comfortable, and I am so tired of this bitterly cold winter.

Today, I was out to the bus, at least before it got there. It was nowhere in sight. And the bus was a minute or two early – but I actually wasn’t running that late today. Okay, it was a race to get dressed this morning and I ran out to the bus stop today, but it was better then on Tuesday.

Elephant Mountain

Tuesday was pretty bad with catching the bus. I was late and the bus was early. At least the driver knew he was early and pulled off and waited for me. I actually didn’t think I was going to make the bus, but the driver waited until I got on. He was a few minutes early, and I was a few minutes late. If I missed the bus, I could always take the local to work, but what fun is that?

Maybe I need to get a faster start, and try to be in the shower a little before 8:20 AM. Things to consider for Thursday.

I've made the bus every day this week, but not by much. I really got to work harder at getting ready on time. Tired of the cold weather, looking forward to warmer weather on Friday.