You may noticed that I have been doing many interactive maps on the blog lately using leafletjs

You may noticed that I have been doing many interactive maps on the blog lately using leafletjs. Here are the data sources used for these maps, you can also use them in your favorite GIS program, including the free, open source Quantum GIS.

Web Map Services:

These services can be used in QGIS or other mapping program under the WMS mapping section.

USGS National Map Modern Topographic:’ layers: β€˜0’

USGS National Map Modern Topographic (Aerial Photos Underlain):  layers: β€˜0’
USGS Aerial Photos (National Agriculture Imagery Program):’  layers: β€˜0’

NY Aerial Orthophoto, taken 2014-2019: layers: β€˜0,1,2,3,4’

NY Aerial Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads (DOQQs), taken from 1994-1998. layers: β€˜0’

Vermont Aerial Photos:’ layers: β€˜0’

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Aerial (2018) layers: β€˜0’

Pennsylvania NAIP Imagery (2019).  layers: β€˜0’

Tile Map Services

These services can be used in QGIS or other mapping program under the XYZ tiles section of the program. They require you include a brief citation on any final rendered product, acknowledging the source.

Open Street Map: https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png     
Open Topo Map: https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png
USGS DRG (Traditional Topographic):{z}/{x}/{y}.png

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