WMS Map: Woodward Lake

About Woodward Lake ....

Woodward Lake is a Marginal Tract for Residential Development: The Woodward Lake site is a marginal tract for residential development. It is characterized by poor soils, extensive streams and wetlands, and steep slopes, all of which are inappropriate for  residential development. 

The developer claims that it will somehow extinguish 34 principal building rights, 12 on Resource Management lands and 22 in Rural Use, while pursuing a permit for 36 principal buildings. This statement is inaccurate. There are no β€œdevelopment rights” under the APA Act. The zoning densities that the developer used are the maximum mathematically available under the APA Land Use and Development Plan (LUDP). Under the LUDP the allowable principal buildings are not automatically assigned to a parcel of land. The total number of buildings authorized reflects the number allowable after a comprehensive APA review. Far from β€œextinguishing” development rights, the developer is seeking approval at a level of development beyond what is appropriate for this tract.

This 1,169 acre tract has a number of features, such as a large waterbody, wetlands, streams and steep slopes, which the APA has always considered constraints on development. An analysis that removed all of the undevelopable land from the tract found that 129 acres of Woodward Lake, 159.56 acres wetlands, 9.18 miles of streams, which with 50-foot-wide protected buffers total 55.64 acres, 450 acres of lands with steep slopes of 15% or greater, totaling more than half of this tract. This means that over half of this tract is land unsuitable for development. Much the remaining lands are not much better. This magnifies the problems with this tract and shows that the vast majority of the Woodward Lake development site is not suitable for development. The reality is that this tract can support residential development only at a level far less than the 36 principal building rights sought by the developer.



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Data Sources

This map is rotated by 48 degrees, so the top is not true north.

Road Trip to Coal Country by Nate Matthews - You can download the KMZ File used in creation of this map.

NY Aerial NAIP (2019) - High-resolution aerial photography from NYSGIS, photos taken with leaves on in summer 2019. NYSGIS. WMS Service: https://orthos.its.ny.gov/arcgis/services/wms/NAIP_2019/MapServer/WMSServer, Layer: 0

3DEP Elevation Hillshade. LIDAR and legacy USGS DRG Topo Derived hillshades used as a background. DEM - WMS Service: https://elevation.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer/WMSServer, Layer: 3DEPElevation:Hillshade Gray

Full List of WMS and ArcMap Services - CSV Spreadsheet with all web map services currently used on the blog.

More about Northville, NY...

Northville is a village in Fulton County, New York. The population was 1,099 at the 2010 census. The village is in the northern part of the town of Northampton and is northeast of Gloversville.


Maps and Interactives

Woodward Lake
Northville, NY 1902
Northville, NY
Building Style – Northville
Buildings Today Vs 1952 In Westerlo, NY

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