WMS Map: Stoney Pond Camping Area

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Data Sources

Road Trip to Coal Country by Nate Matthews - You can download the KMZ File used in creation of this map.

NY Aerial (2020) - High-resolution aerial photography from NYSGIS, photos taken with leaves off in spring time between the years 2016-2020. NYSGIS. WMS Service: https://orthos.its.ny.gov/ArcGIS/services/wms/Latest/MapServer/WMSServer, Layer: 0,1,2,3

NYS Roads and Trails (Invert) - NYSDEC. Download KMZ File / Download GeoJSON File
ArcMap FeatureService: https://services6.arcgis.com/DZHaqZm9cxOD4CWM/ArcGIS/rest/services/DEC_Trails/FeatureServer/ Query: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6

Campsites in Backcountry (NY/PA/VT) - Shows location of campsites and lean-tos in New York State. Derived from NYSDEC's MMS, along with OpenStreetMap, various DEC Maps and heads-up locations added by Andy Arthur. NYSDEC MMS, OpenStreet Map (Β©CC-BY-SA), Andy Arthur. Download KMZ File.

3DEP Elevation Hillshade. LIDAR and legacy USGS DRG Topo Derived hillshades used as a background. DEM - WMS Service: https://elevation.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer/WMSServer, Layer: 3DEPElevation:Hillshade Gray

Full List of WMS and ArcMap Services - CSV Spreadsheet with all web map services currently used on the blog.

More about Stoney Pond State Forest...

The 1,469 acres offers visitors an opportunity to view a range of different flora and fauna.

The 44 acre Stoney Pond was constructed in the late 1950's to provide wildlife habitat. Populated with largemouth bass and panfish, it is home to blue herons, Canada geese, mallard ducks and other waterfowl. A parking area and boat launching site is located on the pond. No gas powered motors are permitted. A day use area is located adjacent to the ramp.

Camping is allowed at 17 designated campsites and requires a camping permit between May 1 and September 30. These sites are varied. Two sites are accessible only by foot and are for tent camping. Most of the sites are nestled among a white pine plantation at the south end of Stoney Pond. Each site contains a fire ring. A latrine services the camping area. There is no water well.

13 mile-long Stoney Pond Nordic Ski Trail is an important part of multiple use management of the forest. The trails wind through both natural forests and plantations and around Stoney Pond. Most trails are designed for skiers with a beginner or intermediate skill level. Caution must be used for safe, enjoyable skiing. Snow covered trails may contain hidden obstacles or hazards. Skiers are responsible to ski safely and under control at all times.


Maps and Interactives

Stoney Pond State Forest Trails
Stoney Pond Camping Area
Moon Pond State Forest

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