WMS Map: Cayuga-Seneca Canal Trail

Helpful Hint: While I suggest you look on blog for a downloadable PDF Map, you should be able to print or save this map by clicking the print button on the map above.

Data Sources

Road Trip to Coal Country by Nate Matthews - You can download the KMZ File used in creation of this map.

OpenStreetMap - Map data: Β© OpenStreetMap, SRTM | Map style: Β© OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA). XYZ Tiles: https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

NY Aerial (2020) - High-resolution aerial photography from NYSGIS, photos taken with leaves off in spring time between the years 2016-2020. NYSGIS. WMS Service: https://orthos.its.ny.gov/ArcGIS/services/wms/Latest/MapServer/WMSServer, Layer: 0,1,2,3

3DEP Elevation Hillshade. LIDAR and legacy USGS DRG Topo Derived hillshades used as a background. DEM - WMS Service: https://elevation.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer/WMSServer, Layer: 3DEPElevation:Hillshade Gray

Full List of WMS and ArcMap Services - CSV Spreadsheet with all web map services currently used on the blog.

More about Cayuga-Seneca Canal Trail...

The Cayuga-Seneca Canalway Trail spans 5 miles from Waterloo to Seneca Lake State Park, following the historic Seneca County Railway route. Constructed in the late 1800s, this railway became part of the Lehigh Valley Railroad in 1903 and operated until the early 1970s. The current trail segment begins near Lock 4, winding through picturesque landscapes, wetlands, and the Bishop Preserve. It offers a smooth limestone dust surface suitable for walking, jogging, biking, and wheelchair use. The trail connects to Seneca Lake State Park via a tunnel under 96A, granting access to the lakefront and park amenities. This trail is part of a larger project aiming to create a 19-mile rail-trail connecting Cayuga and Seneca Lakes, highlighting historical, natural, and cultural significance while contributing to the Erie Canalway Trail's expansion.

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