WMS Map: Branch Pond Campsites
About Branch Pond Campsites ....
A map of the various dispersed campsites along Branch Pond Road in the Green Mountain National Forest.
A map of the various dispersed campsites along Branch Pond Road in the Green Mountain National Forest.
Helpful Hint: While I suggest you look on blog for a downloadable PDF Map, you should be able to print or save this map by clicking the print button on the map above.
Vermont Campsites - You can download the KMZ File used in creation of this map.
OpenStreetMap - Map data: Β© OpenStreetMap, SRTM | Map style: Β© OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA). XYZ Tiles: https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
3DEP Elevation Hillshade. LIDAR and legacy USGS DRG Topo Derived hillshades used as a background. DEM - WMS Service: https://elevation.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer/WMSServer, Layer: 3DEPElevation:Hillshade Gray
Full List of WMS and ArcMap Services - CSV Spreadsheet with all web map services currently used on the blog.
Branch Pond and Branch Pond Road are located off of Kelley Stand, and offer camping, paddling, and access to the Lye Brook Wilderness.
Branch Pond Road
Branch Pond Campsites
Branch Pond
... photos, maps and other content from from Branch Pond.