Where do I really want to live? 🏑

The life I really enjoy is up in the wilderness. Not in a place with other people and houses nearby but instead in the wilderness – much like where I often camp on the dirt roads up in the state and national forests. Out of eye shot and ear shot of anyone else.

The thing is there really is few places like that anywhere within commuting distance to Albany. It seems like ever house and property I look at has neighbors just down the road. Zillow keeps suggesting more properties in the city and suburbs. I guess that’s where most people live. But it’s not for me.

I do want that cabin in the woods, in the mountains up a dirt road. And maybe that has to wait until I’m closer to retirement. I guess it could be a weekend residence but I really want a place closer to work where I can call my everyday home. A place made of natural materials where I can live more sustainably and independently on my own. Off grid, simple as possible.

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