Day: April 18, 2021

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Demonizing Dungeons & Dragons

Demonizing Dungeons & Dragons

4/16/21 by Pushkin Industries

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When James Dallas Egbert III was reported missing from his college dorm – one of America’s most flamboyant private detectives was summoned to solve the case. β€œDallas” had many of the same problems that most teenagers face – but P.I. William Dear stoked fears that he might have fallen under the evil spell of a mysterious and sinister game…. Dungeons & Dragons. The global panic about the dangers the role-playing game posed to impressionable young minds may seem quaint 40 years on – but again and again we show how fearful we are of creative endeavours we don’t quite understand. Read more about Tim’s work at Learn more about your ad-choices at

As my parents are busy tonight I decided to do my walk out to Van Dyke Preserve and then Five Rivers later this evening

As my parents are busy tonight I decided to do my walk out to Van Dyke Preserve and then Five Rivers later this evening. Van Dyke was nice, really greening up with blue skies but all I saw was a squirrel, usual tons of robins and song sparrows. By the time I got to Five Rivers the skies had grayed up but unlike yesterday, the spring peepers were loud with the warmer temperatures and light drizzle.

… I just like being able to go places on my own two feet πŸ‘£ without motoring.