I was starting to get concerned when I saw the temperatures dropping to 28 degrees with rain driving out here but then it started to warm up to closer to 30. Roads weren’t that bad although a bit soft in places.

I was starting to get concerned when I saw the temperatures dropping to 28 degrees with rain driving out here but then it started to warm up to closer to 30. Roads weren’t that bad although a bit soft in places. Dusting of snow around but that’s fine. Going to cold night although I don’t think it as cold as it would have been in the Adirondacks.

 From The Top

Trump and Government Shutdown

One thing I appreciate about the Trump Administration, is he’s been less of an asshole about the government shutdown,πŸ’© not unnecessarily shutting off government services during the temporary lapse in government funding. During the Government Shutdown during the Obama Administration, they not only shut down access to most of the federal parks,🏞 they also shut off websites like that of US Census Bureau that could have been operating perfectly fine even with the furloughed government bureaucrats.

There areΒ many reduced government services and some areas closed during the shutdown, but in many ways the partial government shutdown under Trump is far less draconianπŸ‰ then the one implemented by the Obama administration. While I think shutting down the government over the border wall is rather childish,Β πŸ‘Ά I’d rather have a low-impact shutdown then one that maximizes the harm to the American people.😑

I am in no way defending shutting the government for the stupid $15 billion money pit known as the border wall,πŸ”’ but I do support the smarter shutdown that is not unnecessarily closing down government programs that do not need government bureaucrats to administer them on a day-to-day basis.πŸ›

Government Shutdown Notice at Blueberry Fee Camping Area

Today you should wish people Happy Winter.

Today you should wish people Happy Winter. 🌨️ The next three days are an appropriate time to wish people a Merry Christmas.πŸŽ„ Next week, it’s an appropriate time to wish people a Happy New Year. πŸŽ‡ Previously, it was an appropriate time to wish people Happy Holidays.β˜ƒοΈ

 The Reservior