SVGZ Graphic: Most and Least Educated - Wealthy Municipalities in NYS Download the Scalable Vector Graphic of the Most and Least Educated - Wealthy Municipalities in NYS. About SVGZ Graphic: Most and Least Educated - Wealthy Municipalities in NYS .... I saw a similar image on Twitter yesterday for the nation, and had to make one up for NYS.
More about NYS Census...New York State mapped and discussed, using Census data. Lots of interesting infographics can be found here. Maps and InteractivesWalking Distance from HomeNew York State County Population DensityLarge Urban Counties are gaining population in New York StateFifty Least Densely Populated Municipalities in NY StateEach Dot Represents 1,000 New YorkersAn Irish Conundrum9 Out of Ten New Yorkers Live Here5 Percent2020 US Census Urban Areas in New York StateNYS Median Household Income by MunicipalityNew York Counties Ranked from Poorest to WealthiestHigh School Drop Outs Map... photos, maps and other content from from NYS Census.
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