SVGZ Graphic: Indictments from the January 6th Uprising

Download the Scalable Vector Graphic of the Indictments from the January 6th Uprising.

About SVGZ Graphic: Indictments from the January 6th Uprising ....

The GW Program on Extremism has been tracking court cases from the January 6th Uprising where angry pro-Trump protestors overwhelmed the US Capitol Police, swarming the building, damaging property and leading to heart attacks and other injuries of government workers ill prepared for such a large angry crowd. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at this data and make a random dot-plot map of the indictments to see where the criminal cases were, and provide an interesting visual perspective on the wide-spread participants in the protest from across the nation.

You can get the source data here:

To be clear, Donald John Trump is one of our nation's biggest jerks, and he got a lot of ordinary, often working-class people in trouble with the law over his asinine protest, over the election he lost, mainly due to his incompetent handling of the Coronavirus Pandemic that lead to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying and millions getting sick. Competence matters in our elected officials, especially our President, and I can't imagine Joe Biden would ever get such an angry mob of protestors amped up to the point where they destroyed property or cause personal or other injury. Protests are an important part of democracy, but they shouldn't result in protestors getting injured, arrested, prosecuted -- nor should they lead to property damage or injury and death to the government workers.

More about Donald John Trump...

Stories and links about our 45th President, Donald John Trump, to help you keep informed on what our president is up to these days.

Maps and Interactives

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