Riding the Excerise Bike.
I find myself riding the exercise bike more and more in my apartment as it’s an easy way to get some exercise while watching a Youtube video or listening to a podcast.
I’ve never been one for idling staring at a screen, although in recent years I’ve gotten more and more into watching Youtube videos I’ve downloaded, but I like to do something while I’m watching them. There is no better way to pass the time on a bike then watching the videos, from the comfort of my bedroom in the winter. It’s a great way to learn, while getting some exercise too.
I can put on some music, and old dash cam videos and instantly transported back to West Virginia or some wild lands I was in a few summers back. It’s kind of nice how for the price of a few half pennies of electricity, I can be brought back to places I’ve been to before.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather be in the wilderness, but if I can be burning some calories — while learning or relaxing — from the comfort of my home, that’s great too. There is so much interesting content I can download and watch from home, all while keeping my legs strong and ready for summer’s adventures.