Dead children are profitable πŸ’°

If there is one thing that cops, news media, and politicians want more of it, it’s school shootings.

When it comes down to it, it’s all about profits – no matter how groutisque it may be. Now none of them will openly admit they are urging on the slaughter of innocent children, but they all have a significant financial interest in seeing it happen. Many will say they’re horrible, but watch not what they say but what they do.

There is such clear evidence that cops, news media and politicians all benefit from school shootings.

Cops get to log thousands of hours over-time, both in the immediate response and β€œenhanced” security details thereafter. That’s pure cash in their pockets. They also get the opportunity to make the case to  politicians that they deserve higher wages and better pension benefits, because their jobs are risky. Not to mention the latest in toys –  weapons, detection systems, cars and trucks, and other β€œnew” things that are fun to play with and learn about.

News media derives a lot of revenue from school shootings, in form of viewership that becomes ad dollars. The news media glorifies the shooters, makes them National Hereos ℒ️ in the sense that they are villains but worthy of being glorified as household names, given thousands of hours of television coverage. A school shooting is an opportunity to sell cars, televisions, and laundry soap.

And the politicians do well too either pushing for or against gun control, as a way to rally their political base. Politicians give cops more money, who in exchange donate to their political campaigns. So much money flows into politics over the debate over guns and right to bare arms. That money fuels campaign advertising, which in exchange makes the news media companies even richer.

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