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  • Lynda says:

    Why are you calling it Towpath rather than Toe Path? My family grew up in that area and it was always called Toe Path – – – meaning a foot path. On other parts of your website, you call it Toe Path.

    • Andy says:

      The US Geographic Names Information System says its Towpath Mountain in Schoharie County, however the 1994 1:24k Breakabeen USGS Topographic Map calls it Toepath Mountain. The current National Map shows it as Towpath Mountain.

      The 1977 1:24k NYSDOT Breakabeen Topographic map calls it Towpath Mountain but also shows on the same map Toe Path Mountain State Park as does the 1980 USGS Topographic Map. The 1949 USGS Breakabeen Topographic Map calls it Towpath Mountain. It unlabeled on the 1893 Schoharie 1:62k USGS Topographic Map.

      Under federal law, the US Geographic Names Information System is the official name of the mountain but its obvious that there are differences in opinion on what it should be spelled. That said, there is a some evidence that Towpath is a corruption of Toepath, as I’m not sure if there was ever a towpath along the Schoharie Creek which isn’t navigable.

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