Search Results for: photo pot holes

Happy Gas Up Day! 🚜

Hoping for some nice weather day. It started out bright and sunny but clouds have pushed in. Hoping it will clear out before me and dad go to the Gas Up Tractor Festival in Gallupville later this morning. Figured this would be the best day, as it’s expected to be relatively cool and somewhat sunny, though lately it seems like a bunch of clouds have pushed in.

Yesterday was was quite the day, 😫 after I switched some of the robo calls to the new robo system, and the network couldn’t take the bandwidth, despite all the of testing of the system I did in advance. Turned out with the end of session ongoing, the network didn’t have enough capacity. 📶 Ended up staying a little late and running the robo into the evening, monitoring it remotely over the VPN. It was fine, I took the local bus home  🚍️ and brought my laptop home to work, as I didn’t want to get caught in the rain. Left the speedometer on my bike yesterday and it got soaked in a surprise downpour, ⛈️ hoping it will dryh out soon.

Definately not missing the craziness of Capitol Hill 🏫 it was nice sleeping in my own bed and getting to bed around 9 PM rather then pulling an all nighter for the final day of session. Even if things were kind of crazy yesterday around the office. It was my fault, I shouldn’t have moved that one job onto the new system, even if it tested out perfectly and was good until the network was overloaded with the legislative session and phones running full blast. I couldn’t have predicted it.  🖱️The one thing I’ve learned at head of Data Services is that computers regularly fail. All your cleverness and work with even smarter technicians can’t overcome when the servers break down.

Uploaded some new maps to the blog,  🗺️ and have been working on some various improvements now that the “fast photo” uploader is done. Works great, will be good for uploading all kinds of photos and content to the blog in the coming weeks, especially as I travel more in the summer.  🖼️ I am trying to do more maps and updating more content, I’ve been busy lately but I have more to add it seems with summer getting underway. Seems like most things have been restored on my computer, though I’ve had issues with QGIS crashing while making maps. I think some of it might be how I’m using the overlay_intersection to filter features — along with ArcGIS REST/Services causing slow performance. 🐢

Tomorrow will be a shopping day,  🛒 with rain expected in the morning.  🧹 A good day to do some cleaning, and then I can go for a ride in the evening as it’s expected to clear out. Maybe out to Voorheesville and or Altamont. And do some reading. 📚️ Visiting with Mom and Dad today after the Gas Up, so I won’t have to go out there tomorrow. 🍔

Who knows about next week, but it looks like it might be hot for the weekend.  ☀️ Not sure with work if I’ll be able to get away for the Potholers as there may be targets to cut especially during the second half of the week. I did like the Prospect Mountain Road in Vermont, but there is no swimming holes nearby but it would be cool up in the woods and I do have good cell service up there.  📲 So remote work is definitely possible from there. It looks like Mine Kill State Park won’t be opening next week or even the following week but not until June 29th, so in the mean time if I want to swim, I’m going to have to find a swimming hole like the Potholers. Kind of thinking of taking off June 21st – 23rd to do the Potholers, 🏊‍♂️sucks that Juneteenth is a Wednesday. I could work on Thursday, and leave straight from the office though. All depends on hot and sunny it is. Juneteenth not only is a State Holiday but I also have a Save the Pine Bush meeting in the afternoon. 🌲