Penna. the Abbreviation

The official abbreviation for Pennsylvania prior to 1963 was Penna.
Unlike New York, which has always used N.Y., the use of Penna was common until the post office started requiring two letter abbreviations in the post office as part of the Zip Code plan. The AP Style book requires old-style abbreviations for some states (such as Wash. and Wis.), but not Pennsylvania β€” articles written per the AP Style book must use Pa. as an abbreviation for the state.
Pennsylvania still uses Penna in a few locations. The signs for the Pennsylvania Turnpike all say β€œPenna Turn Pike”, and lifeguards wear shirts that say β€œPenna Life Guard”. Generally Penna is still used in places where the Penna. is put in the Keystone. But not always. The modern logos of the Pennsylvania DCNR and Pennsylvania State Forests almost always write out Pennsylvania in small text in the top of the keystone.


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