Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Already it's the second half of the month. 🍁 September is rapidly fading into October, with lots of color and cooler weather for the coming weeks and months. I'm so busy these days, but look forward to many adventures in changing seasons.

Silvel Diesel Heater. Follow up video. THE TENT. What have I learned. Questions answered.

They seem to work pretty good until the EPA catches on and starts to ban their import. They're relatively inexpensive and maybe some point I'll have to get one, as it sure would be nice to heat my truck cap with one, you can run it all night and just warm, dry air pushed into your truck cap or tent, while the dirty diesel burning part it's outside. Does require about an 1 amp of electricity an hour (12 watts) to run though though.

Macintosh SE with System 7.5.3

Just a small video of my Apple Macintosh SE booting and running System 7.5.3. It has a 68000 8mhz CPU and 4MB ram.

With 4 MB of RAM you could extend the life quite a while with Mac OS all way through the release in 1996 of System 7.5.5.