Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Already it's the second half of the month. 🍁 September is rapidly fading into October, with lots of color and cooler weather for the coming weeks and months. I'm so busy these days, but look forward to many adventures in changing seasons.

I survived Friday the 13th mostly unscaved πŸ—‘

It could be worse. I could have gotten into an auto wreck, arrested, had a heart attack or been victim to some random crime or terrorist attacks as the television reminds us all. Honestly I don’t want to go to jail, end up paying a lot of money or be dead. Or fired from my job.

The bike is getting a new chain put on it after I got totally balled out at Steiner’s for not replacing the chain sooner and being unable to be replaced with a new crankset because in four or five months since the last replacement it’s too far gone and that the bike is garbage, I should buy the 2025 model. I took to Mad Dog and they say I probably should have replaced it sooner for peak performance it will be fine to put a new chain on it and keep going, I’ll have it back early in the week. I was angry as I tried to keep up on the service but a bike that needs a new chain monthly is not acceptable in my book. I guess I got to get my own chain breaker, chain slack tool and just start feeding it new chains every few months.

Then I found out I messed up a label job exports for work. I always do sanitity checks with assertions on my code but I have to get the print shop estimates of the count we need to print so 300 extra copies were printed of the mailing. The count estimates come before I get the actual list to process and check, and it’s annoying in that way. I’ve been so damn busy and I’m in the fog of war but I didn’t catch it until the code halted and I didn’t realize anything was wrong until the mail house called wondering when they would be getting the list. I had to apologize to the head directors and explain my screw up. At least the assertion saved my ass, it could have been a lot more money and waste and apology calls.

I made it up to Rennselaerville State Forest. It’s a beautiful afternoon but I’ve been so busy. I wish I was in Vermont but the bike chain needed service before I damaged the gears, apparently even worse. And I was so paranoid about getting into a wreck on the way up there or getting busted for a smoking a joint on federal land on Friday the 13th. And it’s going to be a nice weekend but already I have four data jobs to process on Saturday from camp and a campaign plan to review. Sigh, it could have been worse. But first let me make some black smoke, I mean a roaring campfire and have a smoke and enjoy this beautiful evening.