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Wonderful Wood Smoke

The other day I was out walking on a chilly early autumn afternoon outside of Manlius Center and I smelled wood smoke – that wonderful smell of cooler times to come in small-town America.

While wood is mostly just a supplemental source of heat in these more suburban areas it is a necessity for many farms and rural homes that rely on it as a primary source of heat. And it’s a wonderful thing.

It makes me dream about the days to come – not just when I make it to my long term goal of owning an off grid cabin – but also the more short term goal of my road trip and camping in mid November once this election cycle has come to an end as they always do.

Nice long November nights curled up by the fire are always nice, especially if the stars are out and I can also warm myself by the propane heater. Nice evenings to cook and relax. Something so relaxing about having a nice fire.

Indeed there is something nice about the warmth of a woodstove. Beyond November I may be cold in my apartment but the money saved today is money saved for a better tomorrow. I look forward to the days to come.

 Cold Afternoon on Mary Smith Hill

I Can Help You Make a Map

Geographic Information Services (GIS)MapsCartography ๐Ÿ—บ

I am an amateur cartographer who designs maps and does a wide variety geospatial analysis using free and open-source geographic information software (GIS) and public sources of data to design quality maps, graphs, charts and datasets. I am looking for new and interesting projects to improve my skills, make connections and expand my portfolio.

Are you looking for my personal blog with it’s hiking, camping and outdoor recreation maps, along with a variety of charts, photos, and stories? Please visit

Mapping Avaliable

  • Tax/Property Mapping
  • High Resolution Aerial Photography
  • Recreational Maps – Hunting, Camping, Hiking
  • Georeference addresses using State Address Mapping service, plot them on a map
  • Wetlands, Topographic Contours, Land Cover
  • Compare historical aerial photos or maps to current photography
  • Web mapping using leaflet (HTML/Javascript file to embed on a website or use at home)

Example maps can found below.

Services Available

  • A list of property owners within 1,000 feet of a proposed development
  • How many cars per day pass a business?
  • How many people who live within 5 miles of a business or park?
  • How many African Americans and Hispanics live within 10 miles of Albany Pine Bush?
  • What are wealthiest election districts?
  • How many people ride public transit in a neighborhood?
  • How much of an area is wetland or farm field?
  • How big an interchange?
  • What is the average slope and elevation of an area or trail?

Example data can found below.

Pricing and Cost

For most projects, there is no fee. I am looking for experience, references, mentors and connections in the geospatial community.

If you have a large project, let’s talk about it. I might be willing to do it for free, if it’s something really interesting
or important like fighting suburban sprawl and pollution. I don’t a business or taxes set up, so I can’t really charge at this point.

How to get started?

Please send me an email describing the mapping or data project in as much detail as possible.

My email is

Data Avaliable

  • US Census – 2019 American Community Survey, 2020 US Census
  • NYS Tax and Assessment Rolls (2020)
  • NYSDOT Traffic Counts and Road Data
  • Historical Aerial Photography (primarily 1952, but earlier and later exist)
  • ArcGIS REST/Services and WMS Services from state and local agencies
  • LiDAR Elevation Profiles
  • USGS Topographic Maps, historic and modern – with overlays if requested
  • Data Repositories like CUGIR, and NYSGIS
  • Recreation data from NYSDEC

Software Used

  • Quantum GIS (QGIS) including 3D Mapping
  • Geodata Abstraction Library (GDAL, ogr2ogr)
  • Python, including the data-science libraries PANDAS and GeoPANDAS
  • LeafletJS Web Mapping Services

Geographies Avaliable

  • Primary Capital Region and also much of New York State, also some for Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia
  • State, county, municipal, school districts – Most data sets
  • Parks, highways, buffer (distance to) – Most data sets
  • Election districts – Roughly 75% of NYS counties
  • Census Tract or Blockgroup – 2019 American Community Survey
  • Tabulation Block – 2020 US Census

Are printed maps avaliable at this time?

Not currently. I can send you a file based on your specifications to print at your local print shop.

How long do mapping projects take?

Depends on complexity of the project. Many projects only take minutes, however if a project requires georeferencing, data cleaning, or custom shapes or layouts, it might take significantly longer. More revisions lead to better quality output.

Do you make maps professionally?

No! This is just a hobby. But I’m interested in expanding my skills. I do a lot of mapping for my blog and in support of community organizations like Save the Pine Bush.

Are my maps of good quality?

Thats for you to decide. I don’t have formal education in map making, and I don’t have professional tools. But do take a look at the work I’ve done below.

Examples of Maps

This shows a 3D rendering of the Buckville Canal north of Hamilton

This map shows the use of 2020 PL 94-171 data to calculate population density in City of Albany.

This 1985 aerial photo shows Crossgates Mall prior to it’s expansion.

This GIF image shows the change in unemployment during Coronavirus panademic.

This image shows hiking trails near Brooktrout, Falls Pond and Deep Lake.

Peebles Island, a Comparison 1952

3D Interactive of campsites at Moose River Plains.

Sample tax map in Albany.

Election results – 2020 Presidential Election, Onondoga County.

Map showing where sparklers are legally sold in New York.

Downtown Plattsburgh 1866 Beers (1866 Beers vs. 2020 OSM)

3D Rendering of Canandaigua Lake

Map showing Buffalo Mayoral Primary results and campaign donors.

Overlay of Proposed Retail Core in 1963 Plan for the Capital City.

Map showing Local Area Unemployment Statistics – April 2020.

Interactive tax map in Delmar

State Land in Stockholm, NY – Buckton State Forest.

Empire State Plaza take area, 1952

3D Rendering of the 1898 Watkins Glen Topographic Map

Examples of Data and Code

Properties in Albany Pine Bush Study Area,Excel Files: Various Tax Rolls,Find coordinates and political districts,Look Up State Tax Records and aScript for Processing RPTL 1520 PDFs.

Querying state property database, political enrollments, PL 94-171 Census files, calculating population statistics, what address is a district in, converting old districts to new districts.

Miles from Albany millions population
50 1.002
100 1.750
150 3.511
200 17.102
250 17.725
300 18.699
350 19.411
400 20.187
450 20.201
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
# path to overlay shapefile
overlayshp = r'/tmp/dis_to_albany.gpkg'
# summary level -- 750 is tabulation block, 150 is blockgroup
# large areas over about 50 miles much faster to use bg
summaryLevel = 150
#summaryLevel = 750
# path to block or blockgroup file
if summaryLevel == 150:
    blockshp = r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/census.tiger/36_New_York/tl_2020_36_bg20.shp.gpkg'
    blockshp = r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/census.tiger/36_New_York/tl_2020_36_tabblock20.shp.gpkg'
# path to PL 94-171 redistricting geoheader file
pl94171File = '/home/andy/Desktop/'
# field to categorize on (such as Ward -- required!)
catField = 'Name'
# geo header contains 2020 census population in column 90 
# per PL 94-171 documentation, low memory chunking disabled 
# as it causes issues with the geoid column being mixed types
df=pd.read_csv(pl94171File,delimiter='|',header=None, low_memory=False )
# column 2 is summary level 
population=df[(df.iloc[:,2] == summaryLevel)][[9,90]]
# load overlay
overlay = gpd.read_file(overlayshp).to_crs(epsg='3857')
# shapefile of nys 2020 blocks, IMPORTANT (!) mask by output file for speed
blocks = gpd.read_file(blockshp,mask=overlay).to_crs(epsg='3857')
# geoid for linking to shapefile is column 9
# store the size of unbroken blocks
# in case overlay lines break blocks into two
# run union
unionBlocks=gpd.overlay(overlay, joinedBlocks, how='union')
# drop blocks outside of overlay
# create population projection when a block crosses
# an overlay line -- avoid double counting -- this isn't perfect
# as we loose a 0.15 percent due to floating point errors
# sum blocks in category
# rename columns
unionBlocks=unionBlocks.rename({'sublock': '2020 Census Population'},axis=1)
# calculate cumulative sum as you go out each ring
unionBlocks['millions']=unionBlocks.cumsum(axis=0)['2020 Census Population']/1000000
# each ring is 50 miles
# output

Land use in town of Berne (from 2016 National Land Cover Dataset)

Most highly assessed properties in Albany County …

from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer
lyr_url = ''
layer = FeatureLayer(lyr_url)
query_result1 = layer.query(where="COUNTY_NAME='Albany' AND FULL_MARKET_VAL > 100000000", 
                                    out_fields='PARCEL_ADDR,CITYTOWN_NAME,FULL_MARKET_VAL,OWNER_TYPE', out_sr='4326')

df=query_result1.sdf.sort_values(by='FULL_MARKET_VAL', ascending=False)
df['Full Market Value'] = df['FULL_MARKET_VAL'].map('${:,.0f}'.format)

112665264 Eagle StAlbany12042549252{โ€œxโ€: -73.75980312511581, โ€œyโ€: 42.650469918250โ€ฆ$1,204,254,925
391501200 Washington AveAlbany8862987152{โ€œxโ€: -73.81092293494828, โ€œyโ€: 42.679257168282โ€ฆ$886,298,715
4102081400 Washington AveAlbany6423982872{โ€œxโ€: -73.82369286130952, โ€œyโ€: 42.685845700657โ€ฆ$642,398,287
0885251 Fuller RdAlbany4400428272{โ€œxโ€: -73.83559002316825, โ€œyโ€: 42.690208093507โ€ฆ$440,042,827
518164632 New Scotland AveAlbany3775682018{โ€œxโ€: -73.80381341626146, โ€œyโ€: 42.655758957669โ€ฆ$377,568,201
1906141 Fuller RdAlbany3211991432{โ€œxโ€: -73.83323986150171, โ€œyโ€: 42.693189748928โ€ฆ$321,199,143
19108087See Card 1067Watervliet2808988761{โ€œxโ€: -73.70670724174552, โ€œyโ€: 42.719628647232โ€ฆ$280,898,876
1565380737 Alb Shaker RdColonie2639161003{โ€œxโ€: -73.80365248218001, โ€œyโ€: 42.747956678125โ€ฆ$263,916,100
921923304 Madison AveAlbany2342654182{โ€œxโ€: -73.76227373289564, โ€œyโ€: 42.648000674457โ€ฆ$234,265,418
2907201 Fuller RdAlbany2034261242{โ€œxโ€: -73.83362605353057, โ€œyโ€: 42.692609131686โ€ฆ$203,426,124
1669999515 Loudon RdColonie1660656008{โ€œxโ€: -73.74958475282632, โ€œyโ€: 42.719321807666โ€ฆ$166,065,600
72059247 New Scotland AveAlbany1622763388{โ€œxโ€: -73.77597163421673, โ€œyโ€: 42.653565689693โ€ฆ$162,276,338
620574132 S Lake AveAlbany1462963602{โ€œxโ€: -73.77970918544908, โ€œyโ€: 42.654390366929โ€ฆ$146,296,360
820597113 Holland AveAlbany1434985012{โ€œxโ€: -73.77306688593143, โ€œyโ€: 42.650762742870โ€ฆ$143,498,501
1778203MannsvilleColonie1425704001{โ€œxโ€: -73.71245452369443, โ€œyโ€: 42.718124477080โ€ฆ$142,570,400
18955091 Crossgates Mall RdGuilderland1305547008{โ€œxโ€: -73.84702700595471, โ€œyโ€: 42.687699053797โ€ฆ$130,554,700
102452186 S Swan StAlbany1284364032{โ€œxโ€: -73.75980563770365, โ€œyโ€: 42.653931892804โ€ฆ$128,436,403
13468831916 US 9WCoeymans1100000008{โ€œxโ€: -73.83388475575597, โ€œyโ€: 42.488730743021โ€ฆ$110,000,000
1235152380 River RdBethlehem1052631588{โ€œxโ€: -73.76445503554325, โ€œyโ€: 42.595925419330โ€ฆ$105,263,158
146509715 Wolf RdColonie1019672138{โ€œxโ€: -73.81423716588279, โ€œyโ€: 42.709939498581โ€ฆ$101,967,213

Site Map

๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ Our Public Lands ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒฒ

Interactive maps with backcountry and roadside camping: New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia & Vermont.
List of NYS DEC Lean-Tos with map coordinates. List of NYS DEC Firetowers with map coordinates and more information.
Google Spreadsheet with Roadside, Primitive and Pay Campsites

Explore the Finger Lakes Trail, Long Path, Northville-Placid Trail and Long Trail/Appalachian in Vermont.
Catskill Park Mountain Peaks, Hudson Valley & Long Island Peaks, Peaks Over 3000 ft Elevation, Highest Peaks in Adirondacks, Interactive Map of All Named Summits in NYS, Blaze Colors in Catskill Park, Trailhead Parking Coordinates and Addresses in the Catskills.

Browse USGS Topo Quads as PDF ๐Ÿ†• by State Lands or County. You can Bulk Download New & Old USGS Topograpic Maps.

Links to various NY State Land Websites ๐Ÿ†•. Get latest GIS Data from state Web Services.

โ›บ๐ŸŒฒ Camp ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ•

Moose River PlainsCampsite Listing, Maps and photos of state’s largest free camping area.
Piseco-Powley RoadCampsite Listing, Maps and photos of 15 mile dirt road with camping.
Catskill Park Primitive CampsitesAn overview of free camping locations in Catskill Park.
Burnt-Rossman Forest, Cattaraugus County, East Branch Sacandaga River, Finger Lakes National Forest, Madison County, Pennsylvania, Vermont and West Virigina.

Campsite Coordinates for Bog River Flow / Lows Lake, Hudson River SMA (Buttermilk Falls), Lake Lila, Oswegathie River, Nine-Corner Lake, Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Saranac River Campsites, Stillwater Lake, Schoharie County, and Sugar Hill State Forest.

Overview of Camping Areas in the Catskills, Green Mountains, Southern Adirondacks, Central Adirondacks, Northern Adirondacks, Allegheny National Forest and Penna. DCNR Motorized Campsites and the Monongahela National Forest West Virginia.

Free Campsite Overview Maps: Adirondack – North Country, Catskills, Central NY, Finger Lakes, Western NY. Interactive Map.

Places I camped in 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.

๐Ÿž ๐Ÿ›น Bicycle Trails and “Blackie” My Mountain Bike ๐Ÿšฒ ๐Ÿšถ

Finally bought a mountain bike, after chewing over a mountain vs commuter bike. Really enjoying riding my bike to work and when it rains there is always a bike rack to safely take it back home. One way to get to adventures at Thacher Park is the Nature Bus.

Empire Trail – KMZ and Interactive Map. Parking along it.

More Trailways with KMZ files including the Albany County Rail Trail, Black Diamond Trail, Catharine Valley Trail, Catskill Scenic Trail, Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Rail Trail, Genesee Valley Trail, Link Trail.

๐ŸฆŒ๐ŸŒฒ Hunt ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿฟ

Wildlife Management Units (Deer)KMZ Map shows the WMU boundaries.

Summer 2019 Aerial Photographs of WMUs

KMZ Maps of Deer Harvest Density by Town: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016. By WMU 2017, 2016, 2015.

KMZ Maps of Buck Harvest Density by Town: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016. By WMU 2017, 2016

2016 -2019 Deer and Buck Harvest by TownKMZ Spreadsheet with FIPS codes for making your own calculations.

๐ŸŽฃ๐Ÿก Fish ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ 

Parking and Access to Trout StreamsAn interactive, downloadable KMZ Map.
Lakes with DEC Contour MapsA KMZ Map links to Contour Maps for Fishing.

๐ŸŒจ๐Ÿ” Sled & Wheel ๐Ÿš™โ„

State Truck Trails Over A Half MileDirt roads to explore in the backcountry.
NYS Statewide Snowmobile Trail SystemState trails on public and private lands.

๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“Š Learn ๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ“ˆ

Interactive Maps of NY CensusExplore and download KML files.
Charts and Interactive DiagramsFrom population to pollution control.
Andy Arthur GitHubGit my R and Python scripts used to make maps and diagrams.
Use ArcPullR to Get Geospatial DataSuper easy way to connect to get GIS data in R from government servers.
GDAL Opens E00 FilesMost open source programs nowadays can open common geospatial formats.
NY Building FootprintsWhere to find on the internet for making maps.
WMS and ArcMap ServicesDownloadable CSV file listing services used on the blog.
2022 US Census Population EstimatesRed states, south continue to gain population.
2020 Cartogram of State Population

๐Ÿ’ณ ๐Ÿ› Property Taxes ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ’ธ

Properties in Albany Pine Bush Study Area, Excel Files: Various Tax Rolls, Find coordinates and political districts, Look Up State Tax Records and a Script for Processing RPTL 1520 PDFs. Match NY SWIS Codes to FIPS Codes and GEOID. How to Find MapServer Data and Load Into QGIS.

๐Ÿš—๐Ÿš— Big Red ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿš—

Big RedPhotos and Videos of my lifted truck with its camper shell. Big Red’s Dual Battery Setup for Camp Power, Video Tour and Diagram. Big Red is getting old. What is next? I’ve thought about going carless for a while to save money and reduce pollution. Or maybe going bigger? Or smaller? Five dollar gas sucks.

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒฒ Off-Grid Living ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿค 

I am seriously thinking about building an off-grid house. I have a first draft. I need to learn CAD! I have a road map towards buying land and building. I concede might have to live with long commute and give up traveling and camping. I need to be strong.

Why off grid? Well, I’m not into contemporary society. I want to own land, but not be called a landowner, and a cabin, not hooked to electrical grid, farm, raise pigs for food and burn my own trash. I’m saving for a better tomorrow, hoping to make the leap to another freer state. Having acreage is important. Cornfields aren’t bad neighbors. Maybe though my vision has grown smaller and more local. More on off-grid living.

I am 16 years into my career and have made some significant progress in my life. I love my job. But I do wonder on all the things I’m missing out but saving sure makes me high. Maybe it will be different when I own my own land — the end of goal of all this saving.

2020 into 2021 during the pandemic was a year of remote work. It was a struggle not having internet at home, worked a lot out of my truck. But I worked remotely from Horseshoe Lake which was super cool.

Generally I like the idea of owning land in a red state, particularly Idaho, Iowa, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wisconsin — and Midwest more generally. But I may settle for New York – it’s all about the f-ing money!

๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Open Source ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ๐Ÿ“

I use open source software and public sources of data for the blog. Quantum GIS (QGIS), GDAL/ogr2ogr, PyQGIS, GeoPANDAS, R Studio and Leaflet for map making, Arduino and ESP32 microprocessors, Ubuntu Linux and XFCE Window Manager. I’ve recently gotten interested in machine learning.

I avoid using commercial software like Microsoft Windows and do not have home internet or television. If you don’t use commercial software and use your brain, fears of computer viruses are overblown. I deleted most of my social media accounts.

Creating Digital Surface Models using LiDAR Point Clouds.

๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ—บ R Statistical Programming ๐Ÿ“œ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ

The R programming language and RStudio are powerful tools for statistical analysis, making maps and charts. Many of the blog posts and analysis I do are in R, ggplot not only makes great charts but also maps using tidycensus. Generally, R is better then Python for geospatial work.

Use IDW Interpolation to fill in missing Census data, Zonal Histograms for land cover, load WMS Aerial Photography in R, find mountain peaks, save Census shapefiles using tigris quickly, pull NY Election Night Results using Selenium. Fast reverse Geocoding in PostGIS. Working with PDFs in R. Fix a common error starting rselenium/wdman. Make data-filled calendars. R is wonderful and weird, learn it!

๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ”ข Python and Pandas ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ

Querying state property database, political enrollments, PL 94-171 Census files, calculating population statistics, what address is a district in, converting old districts to new districts, Shapefiles missing Projection information in QGIS.

Learn to code for free modern HTML, Javascript, Python and SQL at freeCodeCamp and web development at the Odin Project.

๐Ÿด ๐Ÿ˜ Politics ๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿ

Crunched Election Results with Turnout for Albany County: November 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and Primaries June 2019, Pres/June 2020, June 2021, June 2022, Aug 2022, June 2023.

Albany County Races converted to the new 2023 EDs using Super EDs and Code: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and Primaries June 2019, Pres/June 2020, June 2021, June 2022, Aug 2022.

Above Election Results as zipped Excel files.

Albany County Legislature Districts 2024 Maps

Maps Comparing 2017 and 2023 Albany County Election Districts and a Crosswalk Table Showing the Proposition of Voting Age Population in New and Old EDs

Maps of 2022 NYC Assembly Races, NYS Assembly Races, NY Senate Races, Governor’s Race in Erie County and Statewide. Partisan shift in governor race between 2010 and 2018.

A comparison of Democratic Performance 2022 Assembly Districts to those proposed in 2023 by the IRC. Here is latest 4/20/23 IRC Maps, showing ADP and how they change from existing Assembly districts. Most towns upstate, outside of cities, are quite red. Using LATFOR data with R to calculate Average Democratic Performance.

You can scrape employee salary data from SeeThroughNY using R. Other useful investigative resources.

I often think politics is for losers. I’m into the politics of statistical analysis and reading history books.

I believe strongly in the first amendment, second amendment, oppose gun restrictions and I support de-funding the police in favor of lower-cost technology and civilian employees. Maybe use red flag laws for voting to stop dangerous voters? And the media should stop promoting mass-shootings, even if it’s super profitable for all involved. They should tax the media when it promotes violence. I think some people are much too paranoid in politics. How elections are rigged under law to benefit incumbents. But vote, it’s the best option and inexpensive.

Yeah for the third parties! I voted for Larry Sharpe for Governor and Jo Jergenson for President but my views are complicated and often vote for Democrats, after voting Jill Stein Green Party in 2016.

Some thoughts on Joe Biden not seeking re-election. Times change, but Biden was been a good change over DJT and glad the Trump era is over and are glad prosecutors and grand jurors are holding him responsible by indicting him for many serious felonies. I don’t think Trump can win in 2024, as nothing has changed politically from 2020.

I think rural people should be left alone and not worship government workers or have parades for them. I am no fan of Donald Trump, his speeches are bad, I don’t like Trump’s embrace of radical environmentalists, but do admire the homemade roadside monuments to DJT.

I don’t toke. But whatever. There are too many transit authorities.

๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒณThe Earth ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿธ

Why I oppose wilderness areas and parks. It’s trendy to be green these days, but is eco-marketing good for the planet? I visited the Mount Storm Coal Plant and Corridor H.

I worry about a lot about overly-aggressive Climate Change Action, and Undermining Environment Laws for Climate Action. I think we should all admit we are Addicted to Fossil Fuels. These days, urban recycling has become a joke, when it’s still an option at all. It’s better to just buy less shit and avoid the alure of Costcos. I really don’t like how aging radicals have become industrial solar salespeople.

Big bucks are coming to state-designated disadvantaged communities under the CLCP. Which counties and political districts are in line for the the most pork? Interactive map.

I’m a big of farmers who are essentially Living Off the Earth and think Rednecks are Noble Savages. Dairy Farming are key to our rural landscape. I’d trust a farmer or a hunter in a pile of guts he’s butchered over any ivory-tower scientist.

๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ”† Industrial Solar ๐ŸŒž ๐Ÿญ

Hundreds of multi-acre industrial solar farms are being built in our state. How bad is solar for the environment? We should ask tough questions. Interactive of recently built solar farms, proposed facilities. List of proposed industrial solar facilities. See how the Greenville Solar Farm changed the landscape.

๐Ÿ’ณ ๐Ÿ’ธSaving Money ๐Ÿ’ฐ ๐Ÿ’ท

I am not a fan of ESG Investing as it’s not well diversified. I prefer index-funds and other tax-advantaged ways of saving. Why I am concerned about saving enough for retirement, even though I’m in my late 30s. We as a nation should save more, consume less. I like the idea of carbon tax to replace capital gains taxes to discourage consumption.

๐Ÿฅฆ ๐ŸŽMission Fifty, Smoking Grass & Being Healthier ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿง 

I am now officially in my 40s! I am building to a better life in my 50s, which means getting up early, walking a lot, saying no to cake and yes to more fruit. In many ways, the forties are an awesome time to be alive.

And eating healthy for less without losing sleep over arsenic. And I don’t think we should subsidize unhealthy habits. How I got started in eating healther. Meals are too focused on meat and carbs due to how we describe them, maybe I eat too many bananas in the office, what to eat while camping, worry more about salt then GMOs, eat more beans. Do spend extra for farmers market peaches, especially doughnut peaches and plums. Consider ethnic supermarkets. Thinking about how to make a healthier macaroni and cheese, spinach-mackeral-pasta salad, quick-cook biscuits and whole-wheat bread. That said, too many recipes are junk food crap. Okay in moderation is not okay. The fact that I’m thinner is not a sign I’m dying.

A few years back I decided to explore my mental illness with therapy, thinking about why I have so much anxiety and how many of my values are rational or just thinking too much rednecks’ burn barrels and how much of a throwaway society we live in. Do I want to change?

I’ve learned to care less about the world, and focus more on myself. Maybe I am happier as I am now, saving and investing a lot towards owning my own land, where I don’t have to deal with all the bullshit of modern life.

And smoke more grass, now that’s legal. Smoking pot is fascinating. Enjoying the rich colors. A map of licensed pot retailers in NYS. Yes, that stuff we used to think of as the smell of crime. Thoughts on Stoner Culture. Not that the blog advertisers like it.

Mission Fifty: Getting to the point where I own my own land. ๐Ÿšœ
Healthy Eating ๐ŸŽ / Growing My Wealth ๐Ÿ’ฐ
Healthy Thoughts ๐Ÿ’ญ / Enjoying Life ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Questions, comments? Feel free to email me at

You do your thing, I’ll do mine.
I smoke pot and drink cheap beer, up in the wilderness. Yes it’s my right !

I use GNU open source software.
Plus I like buck goats,
because they’re real macho men
spraying their beards with goat urine.

I own guns, but not nearly enough. Some day when I live in a pro-2A state …
I can’t make everybody happy, so I’ll just be myself.” – Andy Arthur

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April 21, 2021 Morning

Good morning! What day is it? A soon to be very wet Hump Day, of course. ๐Ÿช โ˜” ๐Ÿฅ› But maybe only briefly, looks like a fast moving front out front of snow out west, which will hit warm air and be rain here. I’m sure that dairy camel in Vermont won’t be happy. Five weeks to Flower Moon ๐ŸŒ• . Put a flower in your hair. ๐ŸŒผ Those days of daisies can’t be that far away. Rain and 39 degrees in Delmar, NY. โ˜” There is a north breeze at 5 mph. ๐Ÿƒ. Temperatures will drop below freezing at tomorrow around 1 am. โ˜ƒ๏ธ

Out for the morning walk with a rain coat on, โ˜” because while it looks like the rain has passed everything is wet for now. But I think is more is coming, and while it might be dun for now, it will return. ๐ŸŒง But it at least will be done for the weekend, at least Saturday. ๐Ÿฒ Listening to Puff the Magic Dragon, a song that might have been more appropriate for 420. That said, despite being perfectly legal, I didn’t smell much cannabis smoke yesterday. ๐ŸŒพ I always thought restrictions on marijuana were awful silly and racist, mostly used to go after the colored and poor. A good agricultural crop, even though I’m too cheap to smoke. ๐Ÿšฌ

“A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant’s rings make way for other toys
One gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff, that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar”
“His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane
Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave
So Puff, that mighty dragon, sadly slipped into his cave”

A bit chilly for the morning walk ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿป in my t-shirt ๐Ÿ‘• and vest and the air is damp with a taste of cattle and manure on it. ๐Ÿฎ. I’ve spent enough time in the Finger Lakes National Forest to know that taste well. That said when the sun โ˜€ peaks out its pretty nice. Going to miss my morning walks ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿป when I go back to working downtown. ๐Ÿš But on nice days when I don’t have to dress up for clients ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿซ I’ll walk down to the express bus stop ๐Ÿš, assuming they restore that service at some point. Then I can do my walks on the Emperor’s Plaza or in the Concourse. ๐Ÿข

This morning will rain, then showers and possibly a thunderstorm after 2pm. Some of the storms could produce gusty winds. ๐ŸŒฆ High of 51 degrees at 1pm. 10 degrees below normal, which is similar to a typical day around March 31st. Maximum dew point of 44 at 12pm. ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Okay, maybe not beach weather. But don’t worry, the muggers are waiting with their dew points in the seventies. North wind 5 to 11 mph becoming south in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms. A year ago, we had light rain in the morning, which became mostly sunny by afternoon. The high last year was 52 degrees. The record high of 89 was set in 1923. 0.6 inches of snow fell back in 1947.โ„

Solar noon ๐ŸŒž is at 12:55 pm with sun having an altitude of 59.4ยฐ from the due south horizon (-11.5ยฐ vs. 6/21). A six foot person will cast a 3.6 foot shadow today compared to 2.2 feet on the first day of summer. The golden hour ๐Ÿ… starts at 7:06 pm with the sun in the west (281ยฐ). ๐Ÿ“ธ The sunset is in the west-northwest (287ยฐ) with the sun dropping below the horizon at 7:44 pm after setting for 3 minutes and 2 seconds with dusk around 8:14 pm, which is one minute and 8 seconds later than yesterday. ๐ŸŒ‡ At dusk you’ll see the Waxing Gibbous ๐ŸŒ” Moon in the south-southeast (160ยฐ) at an altitude of 64ยฐ from the horizon, 236,948 miles away. ๐Ÿš€ The best time to look at the stars is after 8:50 pm. At sunset, look for rain ๐ŸŒง and temperatures around 39 degrees. There will be a west-northwest breeze at 14 mph. Today will have 13 hours and 40 minutes of daytime, an increase of 2 minutes and 41 seconds over yesterday.

Tonight will rain showers likely before 10pm, then a chance of rain and snow showers between 10pm and 1am, then a chance of snow showers after 1am. Mostly cloudy ๐ŸŒง, with a low of 31 degrees at 3am. Nine degrees below normal, which is similar to a typical night around March 31st. Northwest wind around 14 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible. In 2020, we had mostly clear skies in the evening, which became light snow by the early hours of the morning. It got down to 30 degrees. The record low of 20 occurred back in 1947.

Weekend forecast remains true, great weather Saturday, showers Sunday. Saturday, mostly sunny, with a high near 66. Maximum dew point of 40 at 8pm. ๐ŸŒž Sunday, showers likely, mainly before 2pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 57. Chance of precipitation is 60%. โ˜” Typical average high for the weekend is 62 degrees. I am thinking I will get packed on Thursday and Friday, and do my laundry then before heading up north for the weekend, probably Friday or maybe Saturday. Not totally sure.

Like so many Americans I wonder when life returns back to normal. ๐Ÿข I watch the building traffic on the road in front of my apartment, keep checking the Twitter and bus schedule. ๐Ÿš I have a meeting this afternoon and I wonder if I’ll get the news ๐Ÿ“ฐ about when the building downtown reopens. I’m a bit anxious. Tomorrow I renew my cell phone plan ๐Ÿ“ฑ and I suspect this will be the last month I’ll need the data plan but I’m fine with that as I like the walk down to the library. ๐Ÿ“š I’m sure it won’t be long before that’s fully re-opened. Kind of wanted to do a remote work trip to the Finger Lakes but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen before I return downtown.

As previously noted, there are 2 weeks until Cinco de Mayo ๐Ÿค  when the sun will be setting at 8:00 pm with dusk at 8:31 pm. With the COVID mostly in the rear view mirror, it might be more typical Cinco de Mayo, although I’m not sure if all the watering holes will be open if they exist anymore. On that day in 2020, we had sunny and temperatures between 59 and 38 degrees. Typically, the high temperature is 66 degrees. We hit a record high of 91 back in 1944.

Sunset last night at Long Pond

January 19, 2021 Morning

Good morning! Happy Tuesday. ๐Ÿ‘ท Back to work after the long Martin Luther King Day Weekend. At least it’s not a big deal working from home — work is just around the corner from my bedroom. Two weeks to Ground Hog Day ๐Ÿป . Cloudy and 28 degrees on my morning walk past the Bethlehem Central High School. โ˜ There is a southwest breeze at 5 mph. ๐Ÿƒ. I decided it was decent enough that I would just wear my vest out walking. There are 1/2 inch or so of icy snow on the ground. โ˜ƒ ๏ธThings will start to thaw out at around 11 am. ๐ŸŒก๏ธ A few breaks of sun but not a lot.

Sunday wasn’t too bad, had dinner out at the folks house. ๐Ÿ Mom made baked ziti, it was pretty good. I didn’t end up going out hiking yesterday because my toe is a bit sore and the weather was rather crappy, but I did end up going out for both my evening walk last night and I’m walking today. ๐Ÿšถ Today I think I am going to bundle up and go down to the library to work, as I’m hoping to finish getting my cleaned up install of Windows 10 working ๐Ÿ’ป and also watch the Governor’s budget address. I was hoping for more sun ๐ŸŒค at least later in the week, but at least today will be relatively mild. I guess tomorrow might be a bit more sunny for a while but it looks like it will be getting cold later in the day. ๐Ÿฎ Going to need to get milk later today so I have it for the coffee tomorrow.

Today will have a slight chance of snow showers between noon and 3pm. Most cloudy ๐ŸŒฆ, with a high of 37 degrees at 2pm. Seven degrees above normal, which is similar to a typical day around February 23rd. West wind 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. A year ago, we had light snow in the morning, which became mostly sunny by afternoon. The high last year was 38 degrees. The record high of 62 was set in 1929. 8.5 inches of snow fell back in 1886.โ„

Tonight will have a First Quarter ๐ŸŒ“ Moon with 38% illuminated. The moon will set in the west (277ยฐ) at 11:47 pm. The moon will rise at 11:00 am. The Wolf ๐Ÿบ Moon is on Friday, January 29. My birthday. The darkest hour is at 12:07 am, followed by dawn at 6:50 am, and sun starting to rise at 7:21 am in the east-southeast (117ยฐ) and last for 3 minutes and 16 seconds. Sunrise is 37 seconds earlier than yesterday. ๐ŸŒ„ The golden hour ends at 8:04 am with sun in the southeast (125ยฐ). Tonight will have 14 hours and 26 minutes of darkness, a decrease of one minute and 53 seconds over last night.

Tonight will have a slight chance of snow showers between 11pm and 3am. Mostly cloudy ๐ŸŒง, with a low of 23 degrees at 6am. Nine degrees above normal, which is similar to a typical night around March 8th. Southwest wind 3 to 7 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. In 2020, we had light snow in the evening, which became mostly clear by the early hours of the morning. It got down to 9 degrees. The record low of -22 occurred back in 1970.

In four weeks on February 16 the sun will be setting in the west-southwest (254ยฐ) at 5:28 pm,๐ŸŒ„ which is 36 minutes and 22 seconds later then today. In 2020 on that day, we had cloudy, snow showers and temperatures between 38 and 25 degrees. Typically, you have temperatures between 35 and 17 degrees. The record high of 61 degrees was set back in 2006.

Looking ahead, Ground Hog Day ๐Ÿป is Next Tuesday, Read Across America Day ๐Ÿ“š is in 6 weeks, Last Day of Winter ๐Ÿ‚ is in 2 months, Pink Moon ๐ŸŒ• is in 14 weeks, Arbor Day ๐ŸŒณ is in 14 weeks, 8 PM Sunset ๐ŸŒ‡ is in 15 weeks, 8:30 PM Dusk ๐ŸŒ† is in 15 weeks, June ๐Ÿน is in 19 weeks, 9 PM Dusk ๐ŸŒ† is in 19 weeks, 8:30 PM Sunset ๐ŸŒ‡ is in 20 weeks, Primary Day ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ is in 21 weeks, Average High is 80 ๐Ÿ– is in 22 weeks, Hottest Time of the Year ๐Ÿ˜… is in 25 weeks, Ugly Truck Day ๐Ÿšš is in 26 weeks, Campfire Day ๐Ÿ”ฅ is in 28 weeks, Average High Falls To 79 ๏ธDegrees โ›ฑ๏ธ๏ธ๏ธ is in 31 weeks, Average High 70 ๐ŸŽ‘ is in 35 weeks, Columbus Day ๐Ÿ›ฅ๏ธ is in 38 weeks, Election Day ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ is in 42 weeks, Beaver Moon ๐ŸŒ• is in 10 months, Cold Moon ๐ŸŒ• is in 11 months, First Day of Winter โ˜ƒ๏ธ is in 48 weeks and 4:30 PM Sunset ๐ŸŒ† is in 49 weeks.

Radio Antenna

December 25, 2020 Morning

Good morning! Merry but very wet Christmas ๐ŸŽ…! It could have been a blizzard like a few years back, but instead too warm. Actually it looks like Next Friday, New Years Day 2021 ๐ŸŽ‰, will be far more wintery. Heavy rain and 62 degrees in Delmar, NY. โ˜” There is a south breeze at 15 mph. ๐Ÿƒ with gusts up to 31 mph ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ’จ. The dew point is 57 degrees. With temperatures in the 60s, there is abut 5 inches of snow on the ground and I just saw a jogger in shorts and spandex run down Elm Avenue. โ˜ƒ It’s Delmar, yuppies like their physical fitness. ๏ธBut it will get colder as the day progresses, although not until late. Temperatures will drop below freezing at around 10 pm. โ˜ƒ๏ธ

Yesterday had a nice Christmas dinner with the folks. ๐Ÿฆƒ Turkey and all the fixings. We decided on Christmas Eve this year, as I wasn’t sure if I was going to be out of town this year for Christmas Day for camping. Today I’ll probably stay home, work on some projects I have around, do some writing and reading, ๐Ÿ“– and maybe watch some of the videos I downloaded yesterday and the day before. ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„I don’t have any big Christmas plans, as I think it will be much to wet to head up north today.

A White Christmas? โ„ That point is debatable. We have snow but it’s disappearing fast. It actually looks kind of muddy and mucky, and I’m sure it’s even worse in farm country with the dirt roads. Christmas Day will rain before noon, then showers likely, mainly between noon and 2pm. The rain could be heavy at times. Areas of fog before noon. Temperature falling to around 47 by 5pm. Breezy, with a south wind 20 to 25 mph becoming light in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 41 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New precipitation amounts between a quarter and half of an inch possible. A year ago, we had mostly sunny skies in the morning with some clearing in the afternoon. The high last year was 39 degrees. The record high of 66 was set in 1889. 19.2 inches of snow fell back in 2002.โ„

Solar noon ๐ŸŒž is at 11:56 am with sun having an altitude of 24ยฐ from the due south horizon (-46.8ยฐ vs. 6/21). A six foot person will cast a 13.5 foot shadow today compared to 2.2 feet on the first day of summer. The golden hour ๐Ÿ… starts at 3:42 pm with the sun in the southwest (230ยฐ). ๐Ÿ“ธ The sunset is in the west-southwest (238ยฐ) with the sun dropping below the horizon at 4:28 pm after setting for 3 minutes and 25 seconds with dusk around 4:59 pm, which is 38 seconds later than yesterday. ๐ŸŒ‡ At dusk you’ll see the Waxing Gibbous ๐ŸŒ” Moon in the east-southeast (105ยฐ) at an altitude of 36ยฐ from the horizon, 252,054 miles away. ๐Ÿš€ The best time to look at the stars is after 5:36 pm. At sunset, look for rain ๐ŸŒง and temperatures around 50 degrees. There will be a calm wind. Today will have 9 hours and 3 minutes of daytime, an increase of 16 seconds over yesterday.

Tonight will be scattered rain and snow showers before 9pm, then scattered snow showers between 9pm and 2am. Mostly cloudy ๐ŸŒง, with a low of 24 degrees at 6am. Six degrees above normal, which is similar to a typical night around December 9th. Northwest wind 5 to 10 mph becoming south in the evening. Chance of precipitation is 40%. New snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible. In 2019, we had mostly clear skies in the evening, which became mostly clear by the early hours of the morning. It got down to 27 degrees. The record low of -17 occurred back in 1914.

Tomorrow will be partly sunny ๐ŸŒž, with a high of 31 degrees at 1pm. Two degrees below normal, which is similar to a typical Southwest wind 8 to 11 mph. A year ago, we had mostly sunny skies in the morning with some clearing in the afternoon. The high last year was 41 degrees. The record high of 59 was set in 1895. 13.9 inches of snow fell back in 1969.โ„

Originally my plan was to head up to the Adirondacks this weekend, ๐Ÿ• and do some winter camping but now it looks like today will be very wet, and then tomorrow will be cloudy up north and pretty cold.โ˜ Honestly, I find a cloudy day to be more depressing and cold then a cold but clear day. I have the propane and fuel in my truck and enough supplies, ๐Ÿ” and it looks like it will be snow-free but the weather down here looks much nicer then up north. I guess Brookfield is another alternative but there is probably still snow and ice on Cherry Ridge and even the lower Assembly area is still probably muddy and smelly after all the rain, even if the sites are hardened for horses and trailers in the summer. I do like Madison County and agricultural landscape, but also the Adirondack wilderness is nice too. Now the next weekend forecast looks nicer, but I’m sure that certainly subject to change too.

Looking ahead to Sunday, mostly sunny, ๐ŸŒž with a high near 34. West wind around 6 mph becoming light and variable in the afternoon. Typical average high for the weekend is 33 degrees. Not a half bad day, but I expect in the

So maybe I need to figure out alternative plans for the weekend. ๐ŸšถIt seems like things will be quite snow free in most locations, and it will be cold enough that the ground is relatively frozen for walking on, although I certainly wouldn’t want to drive anywhere the ground is not well hardened by asphalt or gravel. But it could be good for hiking. That said, I think there may still be snow in some higher elevation locations.

I have the hotspot service hooked up to my laptop and it working fine, ๐Ÿ“ฒ although I will have to keep an eye on the bandwidth it will use and avoid streaming on my laptop, as I have a 20 GB monthly cap but it should get me through the winter okay for basic work tasks without having to go down to the library parking lot in frigid weather to do work. I have data use monitoring tools on my computer, and I might use wondershaper to limit bandwidth further. It certainly is a lot cheaper then getting Verizon or Spectrum cable service and a lot more flexible as I can travel. It’s pretty fast, and it’s month to month, so come the summer months and the end of the pandemic, I can drop the service and go back to my normal level of cell service, saving like $17 or so bucks a month. Truth be told, I use my phone for most work things these days, so the laptop really is just going to be for things that I can’t do from my phone — a handful of websites or some research may be easier on the laptop.

And while I get that Americans love an all you can eat buffet, ๐Ÿ˜‹ truth be told I like having to conserve and working in a somewhat constrained environment. It makes you think about what your using, and not be so wasteful. I like paying for things in advance, and watching as they get used up and things creep down towards an empty tank. It just is a much more thoughtful of a form of consumption, then the standard of consume now without worries, pay later. ๐Ÿค‘ย  That honestly may be the reason I am most interested in owning an off-grid property when I own my own land — it’s much more fun to watch the battery bank drain down or propane tanks get used or wood pile to get burnt up, then just use whatever this month and then have to end up mailing a check to the utility company.

As previously noted, next Friday is New Years Day 2021 ๐ŸŽ‰ when the sun will be setting at 4:32 pm with dusk at 5:04 pm. On that day in 2020, we had cloudy, mild, snow showers and temperatures between 40 and 34 degrees. Typically, the high temperature is 31 degrees. We hit a record high of 57 back in 1966.

Bethlehem Library

December 20, 2020 Morning

Good morning! Happy Sunday. โ›ช Third Sunday of advent, last day of autumn 2020. Winter 2021 starts tomorrow. That said it’s going to warm up a lot this week with possibly heavy rain on Christmas Eve. ๐ŸŽ„ โ˜” Two weeks to Latest Sunrise of the Winter ๐ŸŒ„๏ธ. Mostly cloudy and 21 degrees in Delmar, NY. โ˜ There is a south breeze at 6 mph. ๐Ÿƒ. The current wind chill is 10. There are 21 inches of snow on the ground. โ˜ƒ ๏ธThings will start to thaw out at tomorrow around 10 am. ๐ŸŒก๏ธ

Yesterday was nice cross country skiing ๐ŸŽฟ at Schodack Island. That said I really enjoyed the Christmas ๐Ÿคถ๐Ÿป Spice Cookies ๐Ÿช they have at Aldi’s. Cheap too and so good. I really need to get over to Rennselear more often. Well with winter I probably will ski more at Schodack Island as there isn’t the hills there to fall on as my skiis are fairly aggressive, designed for groomed trails. I saw a fair number of bright red robins and Blue Jays out there and lots of eastern sparrows. ๐Ÿฆ Kind of a pretty sunset ๐ŸŒ‡ and I ran into one of Albany’s most chatty insiders there ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ and we chatted for a while until right before the park was locked ๐Ÿ”’ for the evening. Fun though, and I got to learn all the gossips about Albany.

I tell you when I own my own land, ๐Ÿ›’ I hope to live near enough a town that has an Aldi’s – they’re cheap, fun and so convenient. While they don’t have the selection of a Wally World or the bulk goods, ๐Ÿฑ I like their product selection. True, sometimes the lower their prices by smaller packages ๐Ÿ“ฆ but as they say, the burn barrel gotta eat too. ๐Ÿ”ฅ Plus a good library to download podcasts, ๐ŸŽง and a laundromat. ๐Ÿ‘š I wouldn’t mind living out in the sticks ๐Ÿฎ in a town that smells like silage and manure some of the year but it’s nice to have access to the basics. Good gun shop ๐Ÿ”ซ too.

You can forget what an agricultural county Rennselear is but while I was shopping ๐Ÿ›’ at Aldi, I spotted a Toyota Tundra with a big metal flask in the backseat. It caught my eye ๐Ÿ‘โ€๐Ÿ—จ and it turned out to be a bucket milker. ๐Ÿฎ Dairy farmer, maybe a small scale operation or maybe they’re using it to milk a cow that is on the withdrawal period from antibiotics or for feeding calves. Big unit though, must be heavy when it’s full of milk but then again Holstein do produce a lot of milk ๐Ÿฅ›. Upstate NY may have fewer farms but there are still a lot of people who homestead and live off the land – and Aldi’s is such an affordable option.

At any rate, yesterday was nice โ˜€ and pretty sunny although a bit cold but nice when I was moving. Getting off the trails though was a bit of slog with the skiis though. ๐ŸŽฟ I thought about going up to Partridge Run but it’s still black powder season ๐ŸฆŒ and I’d be drowned out probably by the noise of snow machines.

Today will snow showers likely, mainly after 3pm. Cloudy ๐ŸŒฆ, with a high of 32 degrees at 5pm. Two degrees below normal, which is similar to a typical day around December 27th. South wind 6 to 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%. Total daytime snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible. A year ago, we had mostly sunny skies in the morning with some clearing in the afternoon. The high last year was 21 degrees. The record high of 61 was set in 1957. 8.4 inches of snow fell back in 1975.โ„

Not a super nice day out today ๐ŸŒจ๏ธ just very gray. I told mom and dad I’d be out for Sunday dinner assuming that it doesn’t snow too much. ๐Ÿฒ It will be nice to see them. I’m really not out and about in the community lately and we’ll stay socially distant. I do go to the supermarket ๐Ÿ›’ from time but I wear a mask ๐Ÿ˜ท and any COVID positive person I might be near its very passing at that.

Dash cam hasn’t been working right for some time now. ๐Ÿ“น It looked like it was crashing. I am going to try reformatting the memory cards ๐ŸŽด and installing the latest firmware update and clean the lens off. I really like capturing some scenes from my trips on the dash cam but it hasn’t been working reliaby all autumn. It is about four years old and though is exposed to all the heat and cold in the windshield so maybe a capictor or the alike is failing.

Solar noon ๐ŸŒž is at 11:54 am with sun having an altitude of 24ยฐ from the due south horizon (-46.9ยฐ vs. 6/21). A six foot person will cast a 13.5 foot shadow today compared to 2.2 feet on the first day of summer. The golden hour ๐Ÿ… starts at 3:40 pm with the sun in the southwest (230ยฐ). ๐Ÿ“ธ The sunset is in the west-southwest (238ยฐ) with the sun dropping below the horizon at 4:25 pm after setting for 3 minutes and 25 seconds with dusk around 4:56 pm, which is 27 seconds later than yesterday. ๐ŸŒ‡ At dusk you’ll see the First Quarter ๐ŸŒ“ Moon in the south (174ยฐ) at an altitude of 37ยฐ from the horizon, 246,764 miles away. ๐Ÿš€ The best time to look at the stars is after 5:33 pm. At sunset, look for snow ๐ŸŒจ and temperatures around 31 degrees. There will be a south-southeast breeze at 9 mph. Today will have 9 hours and 2 minutes of daytime, a decrease of 6 seconds over yesterday.

Tonight will have a slight chance of snow showers before 9pm. Mostly cloudy ๐ŸŒง, with a low of 26 degrees at 4am. Seven degrees above normal, which is similar to a typical night around December 4th. Maximum wind chill around 24 at 4am; South wind 3 to 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. In 2019, we had light rain. It got down to 8 degrees. The record low of -18 occurred back in 1942.

They still haven’t done the sidewalks near where I live โ„ which is super obnoxious. I thought about a day time walk ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿป – it’s plowed on the Bypass sidewalks but not Elm at this point. I guess it’s just a lot of snow, there has been budget cuts and probably workers are quarrentined with COVID. ๐Ÿ‘พ I don’t know, it’s frustrating ๐Ÿ˜ค as I sure miss my morning and evening walks, especially as I work from home these days.

Today a train moved very fast in America — that is relatively speaking. ๐Ÿš‰ In 1967, a Pennsylvania Railroad Budd Metroliner exceeds 155 mph on their New York Division, now Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor. But they would never operate that fast and frequently broke down and would be scrapped by the late 1980s or used as coaches towed by diesel locomotives. But the truth is that Penn Central was in bad shape by the 1960s, and while the Northeast Corridor was still profitable to the system, the entire railroad suffered from Penn Central decades of neglect.

Tuesday I am thinking I’ll work down at the library parking lot ๐Ÿ…ฟ for probably the balance of the day. It’s going to be in the upper 30s and sunny โ˜€ so it should be warm enough. I have a Zoom meeting then and I have plenty of cellular bandwidth I still prefer to use the library wifi ๐Ÿ“š as then I can do the Zoom from my laptop do other things while the meeting drags on. Plus I want to do some things with WMS map services and I don’t want to use too much of my limited Hotspot data on my phone. ๐Ÿ“ฑ

It looks like Christmas Eve ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿป is going to be warm and rainy, โ˜” so I’m hoping that I can go up to the Adirondacks for a long weekend of winter camping ๐Ÿ• with the hot tent starting Christmas Day. Its been a while since I’ve slept outside and that really does wonders for my sleep.

As previously noted, there are 2 weeks until Latest Sunrise of the Winter ๐ŸŒ„๏ธ when the sun will be setting at 4:34 pm with dusk at 5:06 pm. On that day in 2020, we had mostly cloudy, mild, rain showers and temperatures between 47 and 39 degrees. Typically, the high temperature is 31 degrees. We hit a record high of 61 back in 1913.

 Smoke Stacks