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June 2, 2018 Night

Good evening! Mostly clear and 65 degrees in Delmar, NY. 🌌 There is a north breeze at 8 mph. 🍃. But chilly this evening with the breeze. The dew point is 54 degrees. I guess it’s better than a really muggy night.

Definitely a fairly starry evening although I wish my neighbor would turn off his pointless flood lights 💡so I could enjoy my flickering lights on the trees. At least the coal tar on the driveway is less stinky at this point. More fireflies continue to pop up around. 🐝

Today I got my hair cut and went up to visit my niece in Saratoga County with the parents. 👦 I had gotten so shaggy, and really needed a hair cut. Not a half bad day, I thought about going to the river to go fishing this evening but I was afraid it would be buggy and I don’t like driving home after dark. 🎣I just do catch and release in the river, it’s more about losing tackle and enjoying sitting by the river with a beer as the sunsets than actual food to eat. I also don’t really like having to drive around the city more than necessary. Bad for my truck and it causes air pollution. 📱Instead I walked down to the park with my laptop and uploaded some photos and videos.

Stayed down at the park until nine. Sat on the uncomfortable park bench rather than laying on the grass because I’m tired of having deer and dog tickets climb all over my bare skin, especially with shorts on. Maybe that’s why I feel so achy tonight, not because I was with my germy niece. Little kids touch everything. I’m not much better with rubbing my nose and eyes, to say nothing of putting pens in my mouth. I do try to wash my hands more often and carefully now though.

Tonight will be partly cloudy ☁, with a low of 56 degrees at 5am. Three degrees above normal. Maximum dew point of 54 at 10pm. North wind 5 to 8 mph becoming east after midnight. In 2017, we had partly cloudy skies. It got down to 45 degrees. The record low of 36 occurred back in 1986.

Tonight will have a Waning Gibbous Moon 🌖 with 82% illuminated. The moon will set at 9:35 am. The Last Quarter Moon is on Tuesday night with mostly cloudy skies. The Strawberry Moon 🌝 is on Wednesday, June 27th. The sun will rise at 5:19 am with the first light at 4:45 am, which is 26 seconds earlier than yesterday. 🌄 Tonight will have 8 hours and 51 minutes of darkness, a decrease of one minute and 9 seconds over last night.

Tomorrow will be mostly sunny 🌞 , with a high of 73 degrees at 3pm. One degree below normal. Maximum dew point of 50 at 1pm. A bit cool but clear. Southeast wind around 9 mph. A year ago, we had partly cloudy skies. The high last year was 72 degrees. The record high of 97 was set in 1925.

Not sure what my plans are for tomorrow, maybe hiking Bennett Hill. Not too far away, and it’s been a while since I’ve been up it. The new clearings up top makes for interesting views. 🗻I thought about loading the kayak on my truck and going for a paddle but I don’t know. Going to be kind of cold. But I do need to adjust the racks on my kayak. Maybe also do some shore fishing at Lawson Lake. 🎣

Once again fixed the display I built in my bedroom after breaking it with some other changes. I cut the data transfer speed to it which was problematic I think with the long lines. 💻It works really well now, provides a great time waster in my bedroom. I just another set of those modules in green from China, I’m going to build a second one for use either in my kitchen or maybe the office. The small display I built in my office is no longer cutting it I must admit. It’s just something fun to duck around with when the weather is crappy.

In four weeks on June 30 the sun will be setting at 8:37 pm,🌄 which is 9 minutes and 24 seconds later then tonight. In 2017 on that day, we had thunderstorm, thunderstorm rain, rain, patches of fog, mist, partly cloudy skies and temperatures between 84 and 70 degrees. Typically, you have temperatures between 81 and 60 degrees. The record high of 98 degrees was set back in 1964. Amazing to think how fast July will be upon us. Monday will mark one month until the Fourth of July which really ain’t a holiday because it falls mid week. Ducking horseshit that the fourth is on a Wednesday. I’m blaming Trump, just because this my blog and I can do that.

I am thinking of taking off the last week of July for my vacation but I really need to talk to my supervisor about what is the best week. I usually like that last week but we will see. 🏖️ That last week of July is now seven weeks away per the display in my bedroom.

For a while I’ve been thinking about taking off next Friday and making it a three day trip, ⛺ although lately the forecast has slid down hill at least for Friday. Might still be a nice weekend trip. Where to go is to be decided but Pisceo Powley Road and Madison County top the list. I like that Cherry Ridge Campground, especially as it has cell service but I don’t know I’d rather have more of a wilderness experience next weekend back on a dirt road where I can enjoy my music late into the night. I’m tired of the packed in city experience every day and night. I mean Cherry Ridge is larger than any commercial or state campground and half the sites will be empty but I still rather have a mile between me and the next group of campers. I’m going to monitor the weather some more before deciding. I need my space.

Looking ahead, First Sunday of Advent ✝️ is in 6 months. Fantastic.

Arduino GPS Logger Code I Wrote

Below is the current version of the code I use for my GPS logger, which is powered by a Neo 6M GPS unit, an Arduino SD Card Reader with an 8 GB MicroSD Card, and an Arduino Nano. It logs a wide variety of information about my current location, speed of travel, and other information so I can easily look back at my trip.

 GPS Logger

   GPS Logger

      SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
    *  ** CS - pin 10
 ** MOSI - pin 11
 ** MISO - pin 12
 ** CLK - pin 13


#include <TinyGPS++.h>
char p_buffer[100];
#define P(str) (strcpy_P(p_buffer, PSTR(str)), p_buffer)

#define HOMELAT  42.614277
#define HOMELNG -73.851662

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// The serial connection to the GPS module
SoftwareSerial ss(4, 3);

// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;

// Line Buffer to Save to File
char lnBuffer[115];

// Decimal to Number Char String Buffer
char numStr[30];

// delay
uint8_t prevSecond;

// data logger
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>

const uint8_t chipSelect = 10;

// location of previous location, used
// to calculate distance traveled
float prevLat = 0;
float prevLng = 0;
float prevAlt = 0; // stored in meters
float prevSpeed = 0; // stored in meters per second
float prevTime = 0;

// keep a running total of miles since last boot
float milesSinceBoot = 0;

// filename
char fileName[13];

// don't do anything if card is bad
bool cardWorks = false;

void setup() {
  for (uint8_t i = 6; i < 9; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(i, LOW);

  // see if the card is present and can be initialized:
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println(F("Card failed, or not present"));
    digitalWrite(8, HIGH); //red
    cardWorks = false;

    // don't do anything more:

  cardWorks = true;
  Serial.println(F("card initialized."));
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);  // green

  fileName[0] = '\0';

void loop() {
  if (!cardWorks) {


  while (ss.available() > 0) {

  // if no GPS blink red LED
  if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10 && millis() % 1000 == 0) {
    digitalWrite(8, HIGH); //red
  else if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10 && millis() % 500 == 0) {
    digitalWrite(8, LOW); // red

  // check if we have a valid location and blink yellow if invalid
  if (gps.location.isValid()) {
    digitalWrite(7, LOW);  // yellow
  // next two lines will blink yellow (eye catching!)
  else if (!gps.location.isValid() && millis() % 1000 == 0) {
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);  // yellow
  else if (!gps.location.isValid() && millis() % 500 == 0) {
    digitalWrite(7, LOW);  // yellow

  if (gps.location.isValid() && gps.time.second() != prevSecond) {

    // before we forget, log previous second
    prevSecond = gps.time.second();

    // if no file name, create
    if (fileName[0] == '\0') {
      // create filename
      // Example Filename = 03140201 (year=17, month=03, date=14, hour=02, tripnumber = 0
      uint8_t trip = 1;
      sprintf(fileName, P("%02d%02d%02d%02d.CSV"), - 2000,,, trip);

      // well, if we have made 99 trips today (usually due to bad power connection) only write final trip
      while (SD.exists(fileName) && trip < 99) {
        sprintf(fileName, P("%02d%02d%02d%02d.CSV"), - 2000,,, trip);

      // print to serial where this data is being saved
      Serial.print(P("Writing to ... "));

      // write header to file
      File dataFileHead =, FILE_WRITE);

      // if not able to write, then turn LED red
      if (!dataFileHead) {
        digitalWrite(6, LOW);  // green
        digitalWrite(8, HIGH); //red

      if (dataFileHead && trip != 99) {
        Serial.println( P("year,month,day,hour,minute,second,sat,latitude,longitude,elev,mph,dir,cdir,grade,accel,trip,mihm,dirhm"));
        lnBuffer[0] = '\0';

        digitalWrite(6, HIGH);  // green
        digitalWrite(8, LOW); //red


    // dont log if no satellites found
    if (!gps.satellites.value()) return;

    sprintf(numStr, P("%04d,%02d,%02d,%02d,%02d,%02d, "),,,, gps.time.hour(), gps.time.minute(), gps.time.second());
    strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    dtostrf(gps.satellites.value(), 3, 0, numStr);
    if (gps.satellites.isValid())
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);
    strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    dtostrf(, 10, 6, numStr);
    if (gps.location.isValid())
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    dtostrf(gps.location.lng(), 10, 6, numStr);

    if (gps.location.isValid())
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    if (gps.altitude.isValid())
      dtostrf(gps.altitude.feet(), 5, 0, numStr);

    strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    // we only add the additional info if we have enough buffer space
    // as occassionally before I was accidentially causing the buffer to
    // overflow. In an idea world, I'd use a bigger buffer but RAM is limited
    // e.g. if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    dtostrf(gps.speed.mph(), 0, 1, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    dtostrf(gps.course.deg(), 0, 1, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, TinyGPSPlus::cardinal(gps.course.deg()));

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    // calculate current grade -- if we have a change in altitude
    // and we've traveled some kind of distance

    if (gps.altitude.isValid() && (gps.altitude.meters() - prevAlt) != 0 && TinyGPSPlus::distanceBetween(
          prevLng) != 0) {

        (gps.altitude.meters() - prevAlt) /

        , 5, 2, numStr);

      if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
        strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);
    else {
      if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
        strcat(lnBuffer, P("0.00"));

    // acceleration
    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    dtostrf((gps.speed.mps() - prevSpeed) / (millis() - prevTime), 7, 4, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    // total milage of trip at this part of logging
    // only increment when moving to minimize
    // "idle" gps hop

    if (prevLat && gps.speed.mph() > 1) {
      milesSinceBoot +=  TinyGPSPlus::distanceBetween(
                           prevLng) * 0.00062137112; // meters to miles

    dtostrf( milesSinceBoot, 5, 2, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 100)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    // miles from home
    dtostrf( TinyGPSPlus::distanceBetween(
               HOMELAT, HOMELNG) * 0.00062137112, 5, 2, numStr);

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 105)
      strcat(lnBuffer, numStr);

    // direction from home (for shits and giggles)

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 105)
      strcat(lnBuffer, P(", "));

    if (strlen(lnBuffer) < 110)
      strcat(lnBuffer,     TinyGPSPlus::cardinal(TinyGPSPlus::courseTo(
               HOMELAT, HOMELNG,

    // save previous lat/lng/alt
    prevLat =;
    prevLng = gps.location.lng();
    prevAlt = gps.altitude.meters();
    prevSpeed = gps.speed.mps();
    prevTime = millis();

    File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE);

    if (dataFile) {

      // print to the serial port too:
      digitalWrite(6, HIGH);  // green
      digitalWrite(8, LOW); //red
    // if the file isn't open, pop up an error:
    else {
      Serial.print(F("error opening "));

      digitalWrite(6, LOW);  // green
      digitalWrite(8, HIGH); //red


    // clear buffer
    lnBuffer[0] = '\0';


This is the code current version of the code I use for my GPS logger, which is powered by a Neo 6M GPS unit, an Arduino SD Card Reader with an 8 GB MicroSD Card, and an Arduino Nano. It logs a wide variety of information about my current location, speed of travel, and other information so I can easily look back at my trip.

Improvements I’m Planning on Making for My LED Driver

Here are several future improvements I’m planning to make with my LED-Lighting Strips

1) Fix the Shutdown Glitch

Towards the end of coding my LED lamp driver, I added a fade in and fade out for the power button. While the effect is pretty, for some reason it doesn’t always properly read the off or on status, which means the lights will sometimes flash off then come back on, and vise versa. I was thinking originally it was a button bounce problem, but I think more likely it has to do with the way I’m recording the on/off mode based on brightness.

2) Add a Purple Light Mode

Right now, I can set the lights to a very red, warm white to a very blue cool white. But I don’t have an artsy purple mode, like is commonly used on buildings these days. I would like to be able to set the lights to purple. This is actually a pretty easy function to code in.

3) Add More Precision Between Warm White and Cold White in Moderate Ranges, around 2500-3200k

This is just a matter of adjusting a few lines of code, but I want more accurate then 100 kelvin change when using the channel up and down buttons when transitioning from a warmish soft-white to a warm white to a yellower light color.

4) Add a Timer Modes

I want to set the LED luminares to automatically start fading out at 10:30 PM each night, and then come back on a 7 AM each weekday morning, following a schedule. I’ve tried counting cycles to make the light come on eight hours later, but I’ve not had much luck at that. Automatically turning the lights on and off at a set time makes more sense.

I might also add a “night light” mode that would either use a photo-diode or just a timer based on the month to glow red a low out put in the evening after dark, so that when I come into my bedroom after dark, it’s not pitch black but still has a small amount of light output. At 5% output with just the red LEDs lit, it would make my bedroom not pitch black, but still only use a few watts or less of power.

These various timer functions would require a DS3221 Real Time Clock board or something similar. Fortunately, I just got four of them in the mail yesterday, so I will be able to move forward on several timer-clock type projects going forward.

5) Store Lighting Setting in the EPROM

Right now if the power goes out, due to be unplugged, the lighting setting automatically reset to default values. If I were to change complier keywords in the source code, I could store those variables in the EPROM, and they would be stored even after I unplugged the fixture. This also would help when the power goes out.

6) Add Warm White LEDs

If I want to improve color rendition and reduce wasted energy, I am going to have to swap out some of the Red-Blue-Green (RGB) LEDs for warm white strings. While it’s true that you can simulate any color you want with RGB LEDs, they have poor color rendition of any color besides red, green, or blue. Yellows, purples, and other colors just appear dull. The light level appears much lower then in reality, because your cones are sensing the color output of anything that is not a pure red blue or green. Eating food under these colored lights just looks bizzare.

To do this, I will have to add a fifth wire to my LED lumineres to provide power for a warm white channel, and then add another MOSFET to drive the LEDs. Then I will have to re-write my code to alter how much white light in comparison to the RGB colors. This would probably greatly increase the apparent light output, really improve the color of everything under the lighting, and just generally improve the usefulness of the project. But it’s a pretty big upgrade, and I don’t know where I would mount the fourth MOSFET on my already crowded circuit board.

The Faucet

So I was pretty pissed to see my landlord removed the bathtub faucet from my shower when he fixed the leaky bathtub faucet. Not because I ever took baths, but that was how I filled my water containers for camping. As he ended up replacing the entire faucet and ripping out the wall while making the he also installed a cheap waterproof wall over the sheet rock, that doesn’t match the rest of the shower stall which is yellowed plastic. I guess it doesn’t really matter, as the rest of my low rent apartment is falling apart, and honestly I’d rather pay less in rent then have a fancy bathroom. I did figure out how to use my kitchen sink to fill the water container. I’m not sure if my landlord would be happy to find I’m taking 3 or 6 gallons of water each time I camp, but I figure it’s probably a net savings to him, because I’m not flushing toilets or taking a shower while I camp. My lease (which has long been on an auto-extender clause) bans outdoor watering and car washing, but is silent on filling water jugs for camping.

I know a lot of my colleagues have much nicer apartments then I do. But I like my location and like how it’s cheap. I can get free Internet by walking down to the library or the park, I have public transit to take to work, and plenty of places to walk to get some exercise. While things are wearing out in my apartment due to age and somewhat my neglect after living there for ten years, renters don’t normally fix up their buildings themselves, and landlords only fix what is critical when a tenant resides there. No need to nice appearances when you not renting to a new person. I’m fine where I live, and in recent years have gotten the mold under control by using excessive amounts of concentrated bleach.

Dripping shower faucet turned out to be a bigger project than landlord expected

Some people dream of owning a house with marble kitchen tops, a big screen television, and hardwood floors. I’d rather own a house where I can burn my own trash, heat with wood I harvested, and power things with wind, sun, or micro-hydro. I also don’t mind firing up a gas powered generator – I’d rather burn gasoline that I bought for actual electricity used then send a check to an invisible entity plus a bunch of connection fees, that are bulk of my bill. Raise animals for meat, hunt and shoot on my own land. Sending your garbage to landfills and expensive trash fees suck. I hate sending my check every month to some distant utility, where they burn large quantities of natural gas, coal, and nuclear material to keep the lights on. I do pay a surcharge for so-called green energy like wind and small-scale hydro, but ultimately I recognize it all comes from the same big industrial pool known as the grid. I do support greening the grid and fixing urban problems like increasing recycling – but in the mean time, I’m all for making my own life more sustainable and less reliant on the urban systems.

My apartment is just a cheap place to stay when I’m making money in the city. I rarely spend time there except to sleep at night. I keep investing and saving money that will ultimately be used for buying land, and an inexpensive cabin or micro-home, somewhere that is low tax and regulation. I really prefer to spend my weekends in the wilderness, camping by a fire, listening to the birds and the wind. I like the colorful lights and music, and just enjoying those long summer nights – or the cold winter nights which seem to be eight months out of the year. I look at camping as my temporary home, a place where I can practice for my future to be.

April 16, 2016 Night

With the moon just a little past its highest location with a million stars in the sky, it is 50 degrees in Delmar. Enjoying some Corona out back listening to some music on an old set of ear buds because I managed to lose them between the dock I was fishing on earlier this evening.

In was pretty quiet on the dock this evening on the Hudson River although I kept getting hits on my line. I pulled in a half dozen Pumpkinseed Fish and tossed them back in. Caught something bigger but my headphones got caught in the fishing line and I lost him (lol?) . Very placid on the water tonight but there were a lot of people fishing down there.

It was nice at the Elm Ave Town Park earlier in the afternoon. Besides playing on my laptop down there, I spent like am hour reading down there. I am blessed that I can walk to so many great places from home and take the bus to work every day. Now that it’s finally warming up, I expect to spend a lot more evenings down at the park with a book or on the Internet.

Despite the warmer weather conditions, the evenings can still get quite chilly. Even with a long sleeve shirt, I’m not exactly feeling warm out back. It was cool on the dock after dark too. I guess I can’t be in too much of a rush for summer, as it goes by too quickly. Today, four months from now, will be opening day for the Altamont Fair. At that point, we will have reached the closing days of summer. I was looking at a Facebook friend’s photos from the Potholers, thinking how I can’t wait to get up there. Summer is delightful. The road to Powley Place doesn’t open until late May or early June but you can drive almost all the way to the Potholers before the gate.

Not heard much from the spring peepers tonight although I just heard them briefly chirp. Must be too cold for them. The low tonight is 37 degrees which still is a degree below normal. While we’ve seen warmer days recently, the nights have remained remarkably cold. A month from now, the average low will be 47 degrees meaning that most evenings will be in the mid to upper 50s. Comfortable but with lots of black flies.

Tomorrow is going to be sunny and around 70 degrees. Nice weather, 11 degrees above normal but 22 degrees below the record set in 2002. Monday will be 73 degrees. The normal high temperature one month from now is about 70. Will be warm or at least mild most of next week but some modestly chilly nights but no frost anticipated in the city through next week. Showers possible on Tuesday and next weekend may be cloudy or rainy. I may also stay in town next weekend to prepare for my road trip.

Make sure to remain hydrated and be extremely careful with fire. Humidity will remain low all weekend and with that breeze and lack of greenest in the woods means a fire risk. The humidity for most of the afternoon was under 20% producing dew points in the teens. In contrast in the summer we sometimes have dew points in the low to mid 70s on those hot and sticky days. Even exceptionally clear summer days don’t often have dew points below the mid 50s.

Tonight’s Waxing Gibbons Moon is 2/3rd full as we head towards the full moon early in the morning of Earth Day on next Friday. Moon sets around 4 AM with sunrise at 6:08 AM. First light is now well before six, starting at 5:38 AM.

It’s getting late I’m tired. Sleep well…

October 10, 2015 evening

Good evening from the Allegheny National Forest somewhere near Marienville, PA. While I am well aware of where I am via the GPS, I have never been back on this road. Based on map I’m familiar with the road it connects with. It’s labeled a narrow, rough, dirt road, and while I didn’t think it was that bad in Big Red, it certain is narrow. I had to pass a hunter’s pickup, and I think we passed with about 5 inches between our pickups and he had to be 5 inches from the steep drop off from the road. The current temperature is 42 degrees under clear skies. The nice weather is expected to continue through Monday and then turn to rain for Tuesday. The rest of the week look okay after Tuesday. Tomorrow is expected to be 67 and partly sunny and Monday will be 70, at least in Marienville.

Today was a sucky day, but nothing went bad that will screw up the rest of the week. The main two things that went wrong was I simply planned to go too many miles in one day, and traffic was very heavy being Columbus Day. I think 90% of the time when I was on US 6, I was in a line of traffic. I like the open road, I hate to get stuck in a line of cars, keeping my eye on the road at all times to watch for stopped traffic. I-88 had the most traffic on it that I could remember, I spent most of the time either getting passed or passing cars. The foliage was wonderful most of the way across, although around Wellsboro it was green, and when I stopped at Kinzua Bridge the foliage was already past peak. With fall it always seems like you have either greens or foliage past done.

Getting started this morning I knew I wouldn’t get an early start. I did a lot of packing last night and shopping but I was dog tired after a long and stressful week. Work lately has been challenging. I’m glad I’m getting out of the office for the week. Rotating the tires on my truck and getting a state inspection proved to be a lot more of a process then I ever expected. The Quicky Lube I first tried to take my inspection at turned me away, because they said Big Red wouldn’t fit in the garage. Then I went to Gochee’s garage during the week, which did the inspection and rotated the tires, but forgot to do recalibrate the TPMS and left off one of the hub centric rings off of one of the wheels. It involved two trips back there, because I didn’t discover the TPMS error until I had driven 15 miles – the TPMS took a while to figure it was reading the spare tire and not one of the wheels that was actually rotating. Stupid shit, but it was early in the morning. I would be a little more concerned if it was something that could have left me broken down along the road – I’ll give them another try in the future, but if they screw up again, I will have to find yet another shop in Delmar. On top of all this, I was commuting out to my parents house every day, which meant I had little time to get ready at home during the week.

This morning I had to pack the food, the clothes, and few other things. I did do the water and most of the equipment last night. I decided to go to the laundromat in the morning, so I would have closer to the number of shirts and jeans I need for the week – I previously bought two additional pairs of jeans and shirts at Walmart – but I need 8 changes of clothes for the week, as I don’t want to have to visit some random laundromat in West Virgina or Virginia. I had to go to the bank, check the oil and fluids in the car, and top off the pressure in the tires, so they would be a nice 45 PSI, so I got a firm ride and not waste fuel or have excessive wear. Then I had to go to the bank, to pick up $200 in petty cash. I didn’t want to pick it up in advance, because I worried about losing it. I keep most of the petty cash in a locked box in my truck, until I need it, doling out when I get to firewood vendors, farm markets, tag sales, or campsites that requirement payments.

I have to admit I’ve gotten a bit bored with taking US 6 across Pennsylvania. I used like the trip and all the scenic vista and farm towns along the way, but I’ve made the trip a few too many times, and really need to come up with other places to go. Allegheny National Forest is fun, but I think I’ve done it a lot before. It seemed like a perfect stop over on paper on the way to West Virgina, although now I’m starting to think I’m a bit too far and will have to backtrack, even if I take US 219 south to West Virgina. I’m thinking the place I was originally planning to camp in West Virgina isn’t what I want, so I may have to head a bit farther east. Taking I-99 might have been a better choice. Driving all the way to Allegheny National Forest is a haul, especially on the way home. I have made this trip many times before in one day, heading back home, but never out to camp. Heading home, it’s a haul, but once you get on I-88 you set the cruise control on it and cue up a podcast, and nod off for about two hours. In contrast, going to Allegheny National Forest from Albany, puts all the small hick towns and the bulk of the trip after that long trip on I-88. When heading home, if you get home late, you can just collapse in your bed once reach home, the opposite is not true when you have to search for a campsite, as darkness is rapidly approaching.

I reached the Pine Creek Gorge at 3 PM today. Which sounds late, but it’s actually how long it takes after leaving Albany at 9:15 AM and stopping at the bank and Stewart’s for firewood plus multiple piss breaks because I drank too much coffee then water in the truck on the way over. I wanted to drive up to Colton Point, because in places the color looked perfect out there – and other hills it still looked green – but time wouldn’t let me. I knew I had a choice between Pine Creek George and Kinzua Bridge, and I chose later as I knew after today there was no chance I would get to Kinzua Bridge. The colors unfortunately were fairly dull and past peak on the bridge. Sunset was coming too fast, and even when I got to Kinzua Bridge at 5 PM, I knew I had only a half-hour because it was at minimum a half-hour to Kane, and whatever time I would take to find a campsite from there. I felt most of the day I was flying from place to place, and despite all the amazing color I saw, I didn’t get many pictures. It didn’t help that the best colors were along the expressways with no parking or on roads with absolutely no shoulder. Tomorrow may also be a rushed, long day – but not quite as many miles as today. But once I’m down in West Virgina, I don’t expect to be nearly as rushed for the rest of the week.

At Coudersport I stopped at McDonalds and got a coffee, which helped keep me awake as I headed to Kinzua Bridge and ultimately to Kane and then camp. I also stopped at a farm stand at Coudersport, and got some mushrooms and peppers. They didn’t have sweet corn, which was a disappointed. Probably the frost has ended the corn season in the Coudersport-area which is fairly high in elevation. I have a bit of Appalachian accent, but nothing like the farmer from Coudersport. Mid-western, Appalachian accent. Not like the more southern accents I expect to here once I reach the Virginas tomorrow. He seemed like a good guy, and had very affordable prices.

I got to Allegheny National Forest and wanted to camp near Kane or somewheres south. I remember the campsites along Forest Road 133 near Kane, but ended up deciding to take Forest Road 152 south from there, because I figured the farther south I went, the last south I had to go tomorrow. But it turns out there were no campsites on Forest Road 152 – despite driving 15 miles at the sky got darker and darker. Then I got on a forest road near Marienville, and ended up driving like 10 miles further south, not finding any campsites, until it was almost pitch black, and I found a campsite. Just in the nick of time. I had the firewood I bought at Stewart’s, so I got a fire started and got going.

And then stuff didn’t work. The 12-volt extension I have hooked from the deep cycle battery to my cellphone charger didn’t work when I plugged it in this morning. Total surprise. I think the fuse blew in the cord, but I don’t know. I will have to test it with a volt meter later in the week. I just plugged the cellphone charger into one of the main battery outlets, which works fine, but I like to have it run the accessory battery, in case I forget about it. Then later on the day, the brand new Halloween ghost lights I picked up at Walmart worked for 10 minutes until I bumped the string. $10 for 10 minutes of use seemed to suck. Then the string went dark. Eventually though the string started working again, once I played with the string. But it didn’t come back until I played every socket.

I am taking most of the photos on my Digital SLR or point and shoot camera, so I won’t be uploading most of the pictures until the evening each night, or when ever I have cellphone service. I’m not crazy about the quality of my new cellphone camera, so I have to download the photos from my other cameras to my laptop, then to the phone. But I will try to keep up with the photos as much as possible.

It was a crazy first day of vacation. Tomorrow is going to be another crazy day. I’m setting my alarm clock for 6:30 AM, which is coming fast. Unforutnately, out in Western Pennsylvania the sun doesn’t rise until 7:25 AM, so it will be a dark morning. But at least I have lights to help light the woods as I make breakfast and get going. I might just get coffee on the road, to speed camp tear down.

Good night! Sleep well.

The Weekend That Was

The weekdays come back around once again. One weekend left until Memorial Day Weekend. Next weekend, thinking of heading out to Schoharie County to do some fishing and camping, but that plan could evolve depending on the weather.

This past week on Saturday, I volunteered for several hours at Albany’s Tulipfest for Save the Pine Bush. It was a hot and sticky Saturday. Then hopped in the Climate Controlled pickup, then headed north. The leaves are certainly coming out in Albany, but not so much as you head north in the Adirondacks. Another week they should be out pretty good though.

I had read that West River Road was open. Apparently it’s not, past the start of the Forest Preserve. The town portion of the road is open, so if you want to go fishing, that’s good. But if your planning on camping at Whitehouse, like I was, your going to have to wait a few more weeks, assuming that the wilderness advocate types don’t beat you to the punch and get the road permanently barricaded.

West River Road

Ended up camping on NY 8. Not at Fox Lair, but actually a ½ mile down the road at the campsite I camped at in December. I actually was originally planning to camp at this site, if I got the .22 rimfire that I almost bought last week, until I found out how difficult getting ammunition would locally. Behind this campsite, there is a fairly clear woods, and maybe a ¼ mile back there is a large hill that would make for safe backstop for shooting. It was fine, because it was relatively late that I got back to the campsite

Maybe I will just get a pellet gun to start out with. I’ve heard a good air rifle can be used for 90% or more of the uses a 22 ca n be used for, especially at short range for things like squirrels and rabbits.

But I think a 22 rifle would be far more useful and accurate, especially if I get more into trapping. I liked the review of the Remington 597, but then read the downsides like the plastic stock flexing and jamming issues and are now looking more at the classic Ruger 10/22.

Some of the pellet guns or air rifles are pretty good now, and ammunition is not too difficult to get. That said, I think the whole 22 LR ammunition shortage can’t last for too much longer. People can hoard only so much ammo and the “feared” Obama is becoming a lame duck. I guess I could go shooting in Schoharie County this weekend if I wanted to.

2022 Pennsylvania Republican US Senate Primary

Fox Lair, if the site is available in November, might be real good for trapping muskrat. There are some good muddy banks up along the East Branch up there, and while I haven’t really gone looking for muskrat dens, they must be there. The water depth there was more then adequate for drowning sets.

The wood was pretty wet from all the recent rain. Plus it’s kind of swampy back by the campsite. Which made it open for shooting, but it made the firewood I collected burn For the first hour or two, the campfire did a lot of smoldering and smoking as the wood dried out, but at least it was warm out. Kind of stunk too – because I got the fire started with a bag of Styrofoam plates and other burnable trash I brought up there – and there wasn’t a big hot fire to quickly burn it up like normally.

In my effort to be green, I did pick up a fair bit of litter in the woods and either burnt it took it home. I found an pickup truck tire and an ATV tire dumped back there. I know tires aren’t free to get rid of at the dump, but people shouldn’t dump them on state land. I don’t litter, but removing tires or large hunks of unburnable junk from state land is a bit more then I’m willing to do. I filed a report with a Conservation Officer, so hopefully it will get cleaned up soon.

Hiked back to Kirby Pond. It was a lot farther back then I had originally expected, although the trail was easy to follow, as somebody had recently flagged it. I didn’t bring any fishing gear with me – forgot it in my truck – but I was talking to somebody who was fishing out there, and said the lake was pretty sterile.

Did drop a line into the Sacanadaga River south of the dam in Wells, which is always packed with fisherman. Left empty handed. But probably should have spent more time there. If West River Road had been open, I would have camped there, then fished in the West Branch, and probably had better luck.

Good Old Camp

So that was the weekend was.

Everything from the Save the Pine Bush Tulip Booth, to my continuing frustration over getting a 22 with ammo shortage, to finding out West River Road is still closed, to some time fishing, to some camping near Fox Lair, to smoky fires and nice nights, to visiting Kirby Pond.