Good morning! Yeah, it’s Snowy Friday! 🌨
Back when I was younger and we got more snow, we’d call this nuisance snow although it seems like the Delmar Bypass is a bit greasy this morning, after the snow had picked up. But we’re making good progress downtown and I’m not driving.
The modern buses with traction control and anti lock brakes are so much better in the snow than back in the day. I do however question the wisdom of them running the pusher articulated buses in the snow downtown although if it gets really bad I’m sure they either ground them or they remain sidelined jack knifed on the road.
Snow and 25 degrees at the Elm Ave Park and Ride. ❄ There is a north-northwest breeze at 7 mph. 🍃. There is an inch or two of snow on the ground. ☃ Things will start to thaw out at Sunday around 1 pm. 🌡️
The 7:55 express bus 🚍 was right on time ⌚ today. I think they may have changed up the driver schedule to help keep things on time as Monday and Tuesday where a disaster for those hoping for timely arrival of the bus. It was so cold waiting for that bus on Monday that didn’t come.
It’s good as I like to get as many of my steps in as possible before work. 🚶 I really don’t like doing my evening walk in the cold and dark, when I can do it in the morning before work. 💼 But next week is a session week so I will be dressing up 👨🏻💼 so I’ll probably have to wait until after work to try to get as many steps in as possible. 👣
I did the walking thing on the Plaza for a while 😷 and then decided with the sloppy wet snow 🌨 it wasn’t much fun so strapped on the muzzle and headed into the Concourse. I don’t like walking with the muzzle on but what’s the alternative? That seems to be my motto lately. It’s just the times we are living through, the 2020s are a lot like the 1970s, a decade we have to get through one day at a time. ⏳
My paystub arrived late this week, 🖨 and I was pleasantly surprised that my salary was more then I thought it was — $5,000 more a year then I thought it was. 😮 One I got promoted, I thought the agency director gave me one number, but I thought that seemed too high, and I was sure it was a lower number. But that’s good, means I can save and invest more. Already, it seems like some of that additional money is automatically going to deferred comp — they raised the maximum to $20,500 a year from $19,500 — which I am doing as I have it set to 25% of my income. I just think it’s so important to save for retirement anything I can, so I can use it on my homestead when I get there eventually.