Next Time – Wednesday January 27

Today’s sunrise was at 7:13 am. The next time the sun will rise later then today πŸŒ„ is in 266 days on Wednesday, October 20.

The average high for today is 31 degrees. 🌑 The next time it will be on average cooler then today is in 346 days on Saturday, January 8, 2022 when the average temperature will be 30 degrees.

The highest point for the sun today will be 29° from the horizon at 12:09 pm. 🌞 The next time the sun will be lower in the sky mid-day is in 292 days on Monday, November 15.

Today has 9 hours and 46 minutes of daylight. ⏳ The next time the day will be shorter then today is in 291 days on Sunday, November 14.

Today’s sunset will be at 5:02 pm. The next time the sun will set earlier then today πŸŒ† is in 284 days on Sunday, November 7.

Sunset Over Mountain Rainer

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