Marijuana Legal ≠ Safe

That’s what some conservative, probably Christian associated drug rehab billboard says outside of Amsterdam. Probably the kind of think you would expect from a small town just like the 97% Fat Free Silage Bales by the dairymen promoting drinking of whole milk in an effort to improve sales of milk and milk components.

Both are pretty laughable things, as the intoxicating herb is pretty darn safe and whole milk, relatively speaking is unhealthy as it loaded with inflammatory saturated fats. It’s not to discount the dangers of cannabis – it’s a mind altering substance and everything in this world contains some risk. Especially if there is some form of reward. Be it the high or those rich fats in milk.

I’m not against drinking milk or smoking pot in moderation. I do think skim milk is a healthier option though as is alternative dairy beverages like plain low fat Kofuir and Greek yogurt. Cannabis should be enjoyed in an enjoyable setting and just enough to feel good and inspired but not an every day use product.

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