Map: John Pond - Clear Pond Loop

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About Map: John Pond - Clear Pond Loop ....

John Pond Trail extends 2.3 miles and ascends 145 feet from the John Pond trailhead to John Pond and a lean-to on the pond. The pond provides a scenic view of the small unnamed mountain that wraps around its shore. Clear Pond Trail extends 0.9 mile from the Clear Pond trailhead to the north end of Clear Pond. The trailhead can be accessed from the John Pond trailhead parking area by walking .35 mile on Starbuck Road. The trail climbs 330 feet for first 0.8 mile from the parking area before descending 90 feet to the pond. John Pond Crossover extends 3.4 miles from the John Pond Trail - 0.4 mile from John Pond - to the West Puffer Pond Trail - 1.5 miles from the King's Flow trailhead. Traveling from the John Pond Trail the trail ascends 365 feet and then descends 100 feet before reaching the West Puffer Pond Trail.

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More about Siamese Pond Wilderness...

The Siamese Ponds Wilderness (SPW) is one of the larger Wilderness designated areas in the Adirondack Park. It extends some 24 miles north and south and 18 miles east and west and contains approximately 46,138.43 hectares (114,010.1 acres) of Forest Preserve lands. Associated with the SPW are the Dug Mountain, Forks Mountain and Chatiemac Primitive Areas. During the early part of the nineteenth century, logging became an important industry in the region, and most of the Wilderness was heavily cut over. Devastating fires at the turn of the century continued to significantly impact this natural resource.

Today, however, the area shows little evidence of these past impacts and has become known for its natural beauty. Popular points of interest include the Siamese Ponds that gave the area its name, Puffer Pond, Puffer Mountain, Chimney Mountain, Auger Falls, and Thirteenth Lake.

Maps and Interactives

Siamese Ponds – Burnt Shanty Clearing
Siamese Ponds
Second Pond Trail
Mud Lake – Piseco Outlet
Lake Chartreuse
Buck Meadow Flow
Raymond Brook Ski Trail
Peaked Mountain Trail
John Pond Trail
John Pond – Clear Pond Loop
Botheration Pond Trail

No Comments

  • Heather Adam/Cerri says:

    Word of warning… I hiked the “loop trail” today (8/7/21) from Clear Lake to John Pond (lean to) then out to the trailhead & back to my car….I ACTUALLY WONDERED WHY NO ONE WAS AT THE LEAN TO OR ON THE TRAIL TODAY…then I found out….from the lean to back to the road i encountered multiple areas of easily navigated blow down areas …but the worst part was when i was just 6 minutes from the road and ending my hike …there is one nasty beaver dam that has totally engulfed the trail…for a good distance. I had to wade in Shin to knee deep muddy, murky beaver pond swill for a good distance…at one point i navigated the mud rim of this dam to avoid deeper wasn’t pretty at all! Just be warned! Hip waders might be good to have for this part of John Pond kidding

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