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More about Francis Lake...

Francis Lake is located one mile beyond Number Four on Stillwater Road. There is small an handicap parking lot/boat unloading area along Stillwater Road, you can park on the road shoulder. A small lake with two houses / inholdings on it, the most fascinating park is the large eskers on the south-eastern portion of the lake. There is a campsite on the large esker -- however this portion of the lake tends to be buggy due to this end of the lake being shallow and marshy.


  • Heather Adam-Cerri says:

    9/12/2022 Today me and my hiking buddy, Odin walked to Francis Lake. We drove the Number Four Rd to a right onto Stillwater Rd… Drove another 1/8 (approx)mile and parked on the right side of the road at the end of the dirt woods road (unmatked)that leads to Francis Lake. The walk in was very short (about 10 min. one way) You will cross a wooden bridge over a outlet stream, then almost immed. cross another concrete bridge over the same stream outlet . and within seconds you ll see Francis Lake in front of you! Lots of open campsite /tent areas here…and lots of little side trails! Pleasant,quiet here today. Sorta sad to see a home/camp (?) quite close to left of this camp area…and boats stacked in woods across the lake…takes from the natural beauty…. It was beautiful, quiet and serene while we visited.

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