Kind of bullshit to say it’s not serious if it’s not fatal
Often it seems like in popular culture there is only two ways an affliction can be non-serious or fatal. Or if something is serious, it must be very serious, an illness that brings you to a hospital. There is little acceptance in the public’s imagination that something can afflict you, be very painful and make you very sick but then you recover.
For me it was COVID. People are like – you were fully vaccinated getting all the boosters – but still were down and out, sick as a dog for over a week and half with COVID. How can that be? Is that a sign that vaccine doesn’t work? That argument reminds of those who try to attach every natural disaster to climate change or those who say that seat belts don’t work because they knew somebody who was buckled up in their car but still was seriously injured or killed in the crash.
The truth is you don’t want to get COVID if you can avoid it, even if you are vaccinated. Maybe you won’t get that sick, but there is a good change you still will. Chances are good though you won’t die or even need to be hospitalized if you are vaccinated.