I wonder why people are lionizing of now philanthropist Billy Gates

I wonder why people are lionizing of now philanthropist Billy Gates. Billy ripped off ProDOS and used monopolistic tactics to corner the Operating Systems Market with Microsoft Windows, a poorly designed bloated operating system that is widely used for praying on the elderly and disabled with spyware installed by telephone scammers. An operating system that is mostly about selling software and additional products. In many ways his career is no better then the J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie.

Billy Gates is no expert or voice of authority on climate change or vaccines. He’s not a scientist, even if he has given to some of his ill-gotten worth to worthwhile causes. But he’s hardly somebody to look up. You would be a lot better to listen to real scientists and important decision-makers then a computer geek and theft become monopolist who in his retirement turned to philanthropy.Β 

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