I have very mixed feelings about Chris Jacobs getting booted out of Congress over his position on gun control πŸ”«

I have very mixed feelings about Chris Jacobs getting booted out of Congress over his position on gun control πŸ”«

For one, I think it’s good that the Republican base and the good hard-working conservative country folk in the Southern Tier are holding their elected officials accountable, and are standing up for their rights. For too long, many of the leftists have thought they can trample on our constitutional rights, allowing the state to seize firearms and personal property with little due cause or recourse, leaving ordinary citizens in fear of their government. Too often Republicans and conservatives have had cowardice, unwilling to stand up to media and jackals on the left, rolling over much like too many did in era of McCarthyism.

At same time, I am no fan of moral purity tests — or how the Republican Party has become a party of arbitrary and capricious restrictions on abortion, while the Democrats have become a party calling for arbitrary and capricious on gun owners. It seems like increasingly that the Republican Party is all about arresting and jailing Democrats, while the Democratic Party is about arresting and jailing Republicans by creating laws to target them. The hell of it all is most politicians aren’t likely to go jail, but the police will be using their new found powers from Republicans and Democrats to attack and imprison the colored and poor.

I agree with the many Republicans activists that Chris Jacob had to go. Any politician that threatens fundamental rights should be kicked out of their party, be it Democrat or Republican. People should vote the gun-grabbers out of the Democratic Party and the abortion-banners out of the Republican Parties. And they shouldn’t make their whole office about kowtowing to jackals of the press and popular culture. Politicians don’t have to be at the public-trough, writing laws that hurt ordinary people, they can get jobs in the private sector where they can do things for their community without hurting the American people at large.

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