I hate when the politicians say we are 12-18 months away from developing a CORVID 19 vaccine. π
I hate when the politicians say we are 12-18 months away from developing a CORVID 19 vaccine. π
The truth is we don’t really know. It’s impossible to predict the future and there is no guarantee where the science will lead the scientists. While it seems like developing a vaccine doesn’t violate any laws of physics or nature and there are hopeful possibilities, we won’t know until something actually is developed and it proves to be safe and effective.
Often hopes are dashed when things leave the drawing room and proof of concept. Every day you hear about new renewable energy schemes and things like fission energy or electric cars and airplanes to revolutionize the world. Or great improvements in battery storage. But they’re always off some time in the future.
12 to 18 months from today never happens because tomorrow becomes today. A date next December that is 12 to 18 months away is still just as far away. Incremental improvements on existing technology are much more possible to but not certain. Maybe we’ll get lucky but it’s not good to promise something that doesn’t exist today.