How Long Until New York Goes to 70 MPH on Expressways?

Recently, Pennsylvania started to allow the speed limit to be increased to 70 MPH on certain expressways with the passage of a new law. That leaves only a handful of states with a maximum speed limit of 65 MPH, mostly smaller New England States, along with Wisconsin. There is an active debate in that state to raise their limit. Oregon and Pennsylvania have no roads yet posted for 70 MPH, but both states have laws specifically allowing for speed limits to be posted up to 70 MPH.


Almost all of the western states have a maximum speed limit of 75 MPH or even 80 MPH in some cases. They tend to be spread out with wide lanes, few curves, and long viability. There is a strong case of having a faster speed limit out there, especially in light of newer cars having low gear ratios in top speeds, so they don’t burn quite as much fuel at those higher speeds.


There would likely be considerable controversy from the insurance lobby in New York, who pay more in high-speed loss claims. Truckers might also be oppose, as they would burn more fuel at higher speeds. The downstate dominated legislature (almost 70% of New Yorkers live in NYC Metropolitan counties), might not care much about speed limits on Upstate expressways.

But it’s unclear how long the opposition can hold out against higher speed limits, when every other state is adopting them. Most people already drive 70 MPH, and this law would only make enforcement fairer.

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