Discourses of Delay, p1

Climate 201: Discourses of Delay, p1


Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/123840822
Episode: http://pdcn.co/e/traffic.libsyn.com/physicalattraction/Climate_201_Discourses_of_Delay_part_1.mp3?dest-id=535856

As the climate change debate has advanced, the arguments surrounding it have become more subtle. Outright denial of the climate problem is rare – so rhetoric has shifted to delaying urgent action. In this review of a paper by Steinberger, Lamb et al, I run down the new “discourses of climate delay”

Watching a lot of rural YouTube videos

With the exercise bike and my downloading of YouTube videos, I find myself really watching a lot on the tube. Maybe it’s just the channels that I watch and the various censored bit left on the cutting room floor but it seems like so many people have so many toys that at least for now are out of reach as I save for a better tomorrow. From farm tractors to hydraulic wood splitters to ATVs and side by sides, there are so many neat toys out there, especially for landowners. Many off griders seen to have a lot of money for these toys, maybe due to their decades of savings, the simple way of living out in the country, and some borne out of necessity.

 Dragon Fly