Good evening on this hot and sticky evening. 75 degrees with a muggy dewpoint of 68. Hot and humid weather continues tommorow although the expected high temperature is a few degrees less than today. Temperatures will continue to drop a few more degrees throughout the remainder of the week with increasing chance of rain come Friday.
Thursday I will probably go back to work. The orthopedic doctor said I could go back to work tommorow in the office but I think I want to give my foot one more day to heal. I only have occasional pain but my sprained ankle is clumsy and slow, although the boot and crunches/hiking stick helps. Rather not do further damage, so taking it easy.
I can certainly go fishing this weekend but at this point it ain’t easy getting in or out of my jacked up truck. I walk as slow as the slowest senior but at least I can get around on both feet. The injuries aren’t permanent and should heal within a month and be able to fully get around by the time most of the hunting seasons open up. I guess I could hunt squirrels with the sprain boot on in early September but that could be a challenge.