He’s high πŸ™„

What does that even mean? What is from the mind altering nature of the cannabis and what is reality? It’s really subtle, as I noted the difference between listening to mono and stereo playback of a good recording or maybe a ten percent saturation increase to a picture. Hilarious things a bit funnier, irony a bit stronger, a world slightly more beautiful. I’m trying to come up with words.

Truth is that I’m not sure what actually is the cannabis and what I’m just reading into it. I tune in more when I’m high because I want to perceive the effects of the cannabis. I want to be content, focused on the now and the beauty around me.

The thing is I’m actually not sure what is the cannabis, and how much is my own change of perception. Getting high really only lasts for a few hours if you want read the medical literature. And certainly that’s true for hard core intoxication – getting stoned or baked to the point you’re couch locked.

But in my experience the effects last much longer. Color and beauty seem enhanced even days later, maybe because of the way the altered perspection changes the way you think. Or maybe it’s the residual THC that is highly fat soluble and and can be detected in your blood in trace levels for as long as 80 days even though intoxication from heavy use only lasts for hours.

And I’m really not sure. I can take a few puffs when my mind is not focused and engaged and all I will get is sleepy and hungry. There is no guarantee ever that cannabis will get you anything beyond those things. It’s all what you put in the trip.

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