
Most of the winter, I keep the main gas heat in my apartment set at 50 degrees, only turning it up to 55 or 60 degrees during periods of exceptional cold to ensure pipes don’t freeze. I don’t like wasting heat, because it’s expensive and a waste of fossil fuels that are non-renewable.


I am glad that the winter heating season is almost over. Sometimes I’m cold, but I’ve never seriously thought about leaving the heat much hotter. I could have it warmer if I turned on the electric heat upstairs, but I avoid doing that as it’s the most expensive form of heating, and I don’t need it. I’ve also considered a small space heater for my desk, but I’ve never gotten one, in fear that it will increase my electric bill.


I enjoy the fresh air, even if it means more noise, followed hot and humid nights. But the breeze is nice, as is getting out and spending nights down at the park or breathing in the fresh air. I don’t do the air conditioning thing, preferring to save money by using less energy, and spending more time outdoors, enjoying cold beverages.

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