Good Afternoon – January 15, 2022

Good afternoon! What can I say, but it’s cold outside. 🧀

I thought about walking out to Five Rivers earlier, and actually it didn’t look too bad around dawn but then the winter picked up. Now, maybe it’s not too bad, as the winter is pretty still. I might go down to the library in a bit.

Partly sunny and 10 degrees in Delmar, NY. There is a north breeze at 14 mph. πŸƒ. The current wind chill is -6. There is a dusting of snow on the ground. β˜ƒ Things will start to thaw out at Monday around 9 am. 🌑️

I think it would be good to go down to the library πŸ“š mainly so I can get a few steps in before it gets dark. At times with the sun out it doesn’t seem that bad, but then the breeze picks up. Cold days like this aren’t that uncommon in winter, but with all the drama of the news, I am quite happy to stay home, after a rather busy week at work. 😫

While I was up around 5 AM, πŸŒ… I hid out in my bed well into the morning hours, turning on the electric blanket, as the heat downstairs is falling behind a bit, plus I don’t want to turn on the upstairs baseboard heat, because it’s been years since it was run, and it will stink if I turn it on from the dust. Despite the sun, the mornings are just so dark this time of year, although we are picking up some sun in the morning.

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