Getting Tired of Camping and Traveling in the Same Places

I have to admit I am getting tired of visiting the same places every time I go out and camp. It seems like lately, I’ve been following almost the same schedule every year, never mixing it up for the holiday weeks.

I’ve been thinking about some alternatives this year — things to for me to consider — not necessarily what I will end up doing.

Memorial Day Weekend to East Branch of Sacanadaga River?

I am getting tired of going out to Vermont each year for Memorial Day Weekend. That weekend is often too wet and buggy to be great for camping, so I’m thinking this year if I want to enjoy the long weekend, I should think about not going so far away — maybe some camping along the East Branch of Sacandaga River?

Summer Trip to the Adirondacks and North Country?

I haven’t done a summer trip up through the Adirondacks in years. I have spent little time in the North Country. Rather then doing the Finger Lakes again, this might be a good alternative.

Autumn Trip to Southern Ohio?

I am thinking rather then West Virginia this year, I could go out to Southern Ohio for my autumn road trip. There is the Warren National Forest down there, which would be a nice change compared to always going to West Virginia.

Setting Sun

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