Full Time Truck Camping?

Would I consider full-time truck camping

The answer is probably no. As much as I like traveling on the weekends or an occasional week of vacation, I actually kind of like the ordinary routine of going to work, taking the bus back and forward, and my boring old apartment, walking down to the library and around town.

1) I’ve never been one for driving — I was hesitant to get my drivers license until I was age 18 — but sometimes it’s necessary, especially if I want to spend time in the wilderness.

2) Camping gets tiring after a number of days — it’s a lot of work to set up, take down, and the other tasks at that are part of camping.

3) I miss having hot showers — One of the things I don’t like about camping is the lack of showers. I like to be able to get clean, and outside of the summer months when there are parks and swimming holes to clean oneself off.

4) Rainy cold days are a drag in woods — While on the balance most of my road trips are enjoyable, rainy and wet days can be a drag, hiding out in the hot tent or truck cap. My apartment is small but still much larger than a tent.

5) I like having consistency, a plan for tomorrow. The truth is working a 9-5 job may be boring but it’s a consistent paycheck and as long as I work hard and don’t screw too many things up. It’s not a search for a new job or a little thing to make it through the next day.

6) Traveling is remarkably expensive. Even when you camp in the wilderness there are a lot of consumable expenses from fuel to food. Having a good 9-5 job helps save for a better tomorrow.

Now there is a lot more of America I’d like to see in the coming years – not the big tourist destinations but the backroads and the lesser venues that I can enjoy.

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