For many of us Caronavirus has been a bit of a moment of political clarity.

For many of us Caronavirus has been a bit of a moment of political clarity. πŸ‘Ύ

The mantra and the difference between the leading parties couldn’t be much different – are you for “saving lives” or “live free or die. In other words, is freedom or life more important?

Those on the left would say that clearly the priority should be saving more lives not making more money or protecting freedom. They would point out that Caronavirus is a temporary situation that extreme government powers to shut down the economy and infringe on people’s civil liberties is necessary for now.

But I’m not so sure. It’s hard to put such powers back in a box once they are no longer needed. Like cracking an egg, you don’t just get to repeal something and assume it goes away. Government officials are greedy when it comes to power, they loathe to give it up. Plus the economic and social costs are enormous. Children aren’t learning or getting fed, people are loosing out on education and career advancement opportunities. Dreams of individuals and goals of savers are fading away. All the borrowing and expansion of the money supply will be paid out as higher inflation and taxes in the future.

I am firmly on the side of the libertarians on this one – get the economy going again as soon as possible – and restore civil liberties and societal institutions as soon as possible. Sure, do beef up the hospitals and morgues to ensure that they can handle the volume of patients but recognize freedom ain’t free. I’d rather see a million die to save the rights and liberties of 320 million Americans – and let them get on with their lives.

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