Troy, New York
Green Island – Troy Interchange (787) versus the Empire State Plaza, a size comparison
Those cloverleafs take up a lot of space.
Green Island Bridge
Built in 1982 to replace the previous bridge that collapsed in 1977 during spring flooding. Click on the blue dot to bring up the full bridge record.
Griswold Heights 1952
According to state tax records, Griswold Heights was constructed around 1950. By 1952, most of the projects were done and as you can see from the 1952 aerial, few things have change in Griswold Heights in the past 70 years.
Troy-Cohoes, A Racial Dot Map
Dot density based on population of each race shown on this map.
South Troy 1873
Troy, NY 1873. From the City Directory. Downloaded from the Library of Congress
Troy, NY – 1995, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021
Explore Troy over the past 25 years in a series of state-aerial photos.