
Lately I’ve been chewing over creating new state land maps 🌲

Lately I’ve been chewing over creating new state land maps 🌲

I’ve been exploring alternative designs and even a more automated process, but I am also realizing that the need for updates is less once the maps are uploaded as state land assets rarely change, and the DEC is now posting many much more high-quality maps compared to what was the case a decade ago.

Creating the same state land map over and over again is just boring, and not all that useful if the stylistic changes are small. Sometimes I get a new layer I can plot on a map, but often the new information isn’t particularly useful or relevant, and just makes the map cluttered. Plus, my interests have changed — I’ve mapped out most of state, and found the places that interest me the most, so it seems silly to do little obscure parcels of little interest to myself.