
Should abortion be banned? 🀱

Should abortion be banned? 🀱

I am a believer in freedom of choice and the right of people to make private choices in their own lives. Especially with the abortion pill, if not for state restrictions, it never has been easier for women to get a safe and legal abortion in the privacy of their own home.

The abortion pill isn’t available for all stages of pregnancy and can have side effects like a miscarriage requiring medical supervision and may not be appropriate in all cases. Sometimes in person care and counseling can be better and should be allowed. But I think more medication abortions are part of the way forward and fewer abortion clinics.

I’m no fan of organizations that promote abortion and sexuality for purposes other than child birth. While I think care should be available for those in need of an abortion, I have problems with active promotion of such organizations. Maybe they feel like they have to zellous advocates for abortion when the opposition is so certain but I find it rather obnoxious. I hate the throwaway society, throwaway human life included.

I’d like abortion to be medicine, something private, non political. Something decided by families in the privacy of their own home or with a trusted doctor and not something brandished around town. Not a political issue but a personal one.

States Where Abortion is Banned

States Where Abortion is Banned

This should be noted that map show all states that currently restrict abortion to less then 20 weeks, with most allowing it up to 6 weeks, though there are a few that are from the start of conception. And some of these states have their abortion bans being reviewed by courts. But still, abortion is far less available these days then a few years ago.

Congressional Districts, Malapportionment in 2021

Congressional Districts, Malapportionment in 2021

While Congressional Districts are evenly propositioned within their states, the formula that allocates the number of districts to states makes some under and over populated.

In addition, over the past year, people have moved since the 2020 Census was completed, which has further distorted the population in each Congressional District.